
#32 Back and cancel buttons


Perhaps it would be an idea to have cancel and back buttons in appropriate places, e.g. a cancel button in the edit dialogue that just gets you back to to the ressource view? They could just simply call the "last multi/single view" menu item, it's just more intuitive and standard to have them available at the bottom near the save button.

In a single ressource view, have "back" to go back to the multi-view

In all edit dialogues, have a "cancel" button to the last single view. This would be

  • resource edit dialogue

  • category/keyword edit dialogue

  • attachment dialogue

  • abstract, notes, quotes, paraphrases, musings edit dialogues.


  • Fabrizio Tallarita

    Hi Stefan, I will try to test a simple solution, something like a javascript function "history.back()" or other.

    I will advise you if run or not. Or I don't know if Mark things something different, better than mine.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-03-13

    Hi Fabrizio,

    I was thinking of just plain hyperlinks but it sounds like you have a solution I was not familiar with.

    Go ahead and try please.


  • Fabrizio Tallarita

    Hi Mark.

    Not so complicated solution: it's a javascript "client side" function called by browsers. For more information, follow this link

    Anyway, Mark, I will test it :)


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-03-13

    . . . and it will be equally happy with POST and GET variables?


  • Fabrizio Tallarita

    I don't really know... "cancel" button will be ok for sure, because it erase all data in any compiled form fields, and not make server calls. Javascript "back" function force browsers to go back, but it depends if PHP put variables by URLs or other method.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-04-16

    I've done some experimenting with history.back(). There is a significant problem with it in that it will also attempt to reload a previously submitted form and this occurs often enough for it to be a problem. e.g. you have just added a resource and are automatically sent to view that resource. You next step is to click on edit (the resource) but then decide to cancel and click the cancel button at the bottom of the resource edit form. this is where problems begin as the history.back() button will attempt to load the last URL which was a form submission (of the new resource).

    There are several other cases where this happens.

    Fabrizio: Iøm not sure what you mean by a 'cancel' button that does not reload form data.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-04-16

    Ahah! -- just discovered that if I turn caching on in the browser, I don't get the issues related above and everything else seems to work fine. I'll add some cancel buttons to some of the forms and will upload to SVN.



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