
Tree [r5461] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 cus 2024-06-12 lkppo [r5431] Release 6.10.2 (CUS)
 extras 2024-02-15 lkppo [r5112] Reverse commit 5111
 stable 2024-06-13 lkppo [r5433] Merge trunk in stable
 third_party_plugins 2024-02-20 lkppo [r5164] dokuwiki_plugin v2 is compatible with Dokuwiki ...
 trunk 13 hours ago sirfragalot [r5461] Initial menu items etc. for DOCX export from id...
 .editorconfig 2023-03-29 lkppo [r3893] Reverse svn revision property test
 README.txt 2024-06-12 lkppo [r5428] Release 6.10.2 (SVN history)

Read Me

            --o Organization of the source repository o--


We are happy to welcome new contributors. Join us to contribute to the creation of official components or the development of WIKINDX. There is a lot to do, not just development. Contact the WIKINDX developers at


The TRUNK can be broken at any (and for a long) time and damage your
database, while a RELEASED revision has been debugged and validated.

For an installation or an update of the core preferably use the FILES
section of SourceForge.

If you prefer an installation from a source management client, WE STRONGLY
RECOMMAND that you use a RELEASED revision on a PRODUCTION server. To find
the revision corresponding to the desired version, see “Release History" section.

After some code loss, we gave up using BRANCHES and TAGS.


Version notes and instructions to upgrade or install WIKINDX from a tarball
is included in docs/ folder of each release tarball. Go to SourceForge FILES
section to download them.


To install from a SVN clone, go to the parent folder of your website sources
folder and use one of these commands to clone the source code in a sub-folder:

   svn checkout <website-directory>
   svn checkout svn:// <website-directory>

<website-directory> must not exists before you clone. 

Keep in mind that SVN does not use the same permissions as your web server
or PHP FPM. Therefore you will have to modify the permissions with each update,
torture the groups of SVN and your web server or configure very permissive
rights so that the web server, PHP and SVN work at the same time.

Each of these solutions involve SECURITY CONCERNS, which is why
we do not recommend this way outside of a TEST or DEVELOPMENT server.

E.g., to clone in /var/www/wikindx folder

   $ cd /var/www
   $ svn checkout svn:// wikindx

To update your installation from an SVN clone, got to <website-directory> and use the command:

   svn update -r <rev>

E.g. to retrieve the source code of 6.3.10, use:

   $ cd /var/www
   $ svn update -r 632


Repository locations

- Active repository:

- Archived repository:


Repository layout

- CUS sources:

     - cus/                 sources of the Components Update Server (CUS)

     - cus/index.php        the CUS server itself

     - cus/components/      CUS components database backup of the primary mirror

     - cus/core/            CUS WIKINDX version database backup of the primary mirror

- Miscellaneous:

     - extras/attachment_samples/  documents used to test the attachments parser

     - third_party_plugins/        Third Party Plugins

- Source code (stable and trunk use the same layout):

     - trunk/                   trunk (or stable) branch

     - trunk/src/               contains the sources of WIKINDX

     - trunk/src/components/    sources of officials WIKINDX components

     - trunk/src/dbschema/      DDL code to build the database on install or upgrade

     - trunk/src/cli-dump-repairkit-schema.php is used to build the schema of the Repair Kit

     - trunk/src/cli-forbid-folder-listing.php is used to forbid folder listing when WIKINDX is installed in a webserver

     - trunk/src/cli-make-languages.php is used to extract and merge translation catalogs

     - trunk/src/cli-migrate-db-prefix.php is used to migrate a custom db prefix to the db default prefix 'wkx_'

     - trunk/src/cli-sign-components.php is used to sign components before a release

- Tools scripts:

     - trunk/test/               test scripts and tests data

     - trunk/tools/              tools used to develop or release

     - trunk/release/cli-debug-deepl.php is used to interact with DeepL translation API

     - trunk/release/cli-make-api-manual.php is used to build the API Manual

     - trunk/release/cli-make-package.php is used to build the release packages

     - trunk/release/cli-make-website.php is used to build the website code

     - trunk/release/cli-release-auto.php is used to release on autopilot

     - trunk/release/cli-upload-api-manual.php is used to upload the API manual on SourceForge website

     - trunk/release/cli-upload-cus.php is used to update the CUS database on SourceForge website

     - trunk/release/cli-upload-package.php is used to upload the packaged sources on SourceForge Files section

     - trunk/release/cli-upload-website.php is used to update the SourceForge website

     - trunk/release/ is used to define some options of the release scripts

     - trunk/release/ is a template of release scripts configuration

- Website sources:

     - trunk/website/             contains the sources of the project website and docs

     - trunk/website/api-manual   contains some files used for displaying de API Manual
                                  and choosing its version online

     - trunk/website/api-manual/X.Y.Z    stores the files of the API manual generated with phpDocumentor

     - trunk/website/web/src      stores the source files of the website

     - trunk/website/web/X.Y.Z    stores the source files of the website generated with Hugo


Release History (Active repository)

 Version    Release Date   Revision Note
 ---------  ------------   -------- --------------
  6.10.2     2024-06-12        5427 
  6.10.1     2024-06-08        5417 
  6.10.0     2024-06-07        5412 Broken
  6.10.0-rc1 2024-05-30        5408 
  6.9.1      2024-04-14        5232 
  6.9.0      2024-04-08        5214 
  6.9.0-rc1  2024-04-04        5204 
  6.8.2      2024-02-19        5159 
  6.8.1      2024-02-18        5146 Data loss
  6.8.0      2024-02-15        5122 Data loss
  6.8.0-rc2  2024-02-08        5086 Data loss
  6.8.0-rc1  2024-01-31        5057 Data loss
  6.7.2      2023-07-11        4278 
  6.7.1      2023-07-11        4269 
  6.7.1-b4   2023-07-06        4253 
  6.7.1-b3   2023-06-23        4199 
  6.7.1-b2   2023-06-22        4189 
  6.7.1-b1   2023-06-17        4174 
  6.7.0      2023-01-30        3729 
  6.6.8      2023-01-30        3725 
  6.6.7      2023-01-21        3669 
  6.6.6      2023-01-20        3657 Broken component upgrade
  6.6.5      2023-01-05        3591 
  6.6.4      2023-01-05        3574 Crash on resource edition
  6.6.3      2023-01-03        3556 
  6.6.2      2023-01-02        3545 Broken component upgrade
  6.6.1      2022-12-21        3524 Broken component upgrade
  6.6.0      2022-12-19        3502 Broken component upgrade
  6.5.0      2021-10-21        2252 
  6.4.14     2021-10-10        2192 
  6.4.13     2021-10-07        2168 
  6.4.12     2021-09-23        2159 
  6.4.11     2021-09-21        2154 Broken upgrade
  6.4.10     2021-07-07        2013 
  6.4.9      2021-05-29        1970 
  6.4.8      2021-05-19        1858 
  6.4.8b     2021-05-17        1834 
  6.4.7      2021-04-19        1671 Broken install
  6.4.6      2021-04-17        1632 Session size explosion
  6.4.5      2021-04-10        1594 Session size explosion
  6.4.4      2021-04-08        1570 Broken upgrade
  6.4.3      2021-03-14        1473 Broken upgrade
  6.4.2      2021-03-13        1465 Broken upgrade
  6.4.1      2021-01-29        1251 Broken upgrade
  6.4.0      2020-12-21        1115 Broken upgrade
  6.3.10     2020-08-30         632
  6.3.9      2020-08-29         621
  6.3.8      2020-08-19         593
  6.3.7      2020-07-21         532
  6.3.6      2020-07-21         525
  6.3.5      2020-07-14         503
  6.3.4      2020-07-09         480
  6.3.3      2020-07-06         447
  6.3.2      2020-07-05         442
  6.3.2-b2   2020-07-03         423
  6.3.2-b1   2020-06-20         404
  6.3.1      2020-06-11         383
  6.3.0      2020-05-25         356
  6.2.2      2020-03-27         283


Release History (Archived repository)

Revision 1 of active repository is the same as revision 3959 of the archived

The sources of WIKINDX were not versioned before version 4.0.0.

The source code for major version 3.8.1 was also imported because it can help
track migration errors from v3 to v4 whithout unpacking an archive, but importing
afterwards does not allow to use all of the SVN tools because the order of the revision
does not follow the chronological order. Older versions will not be imported.

 Version   Release Date   Revision
 -------   ------------   --------
  6.2.1     2020-02-19        3947
  6.2.0     2020-02-11        3924
  6.1.0     2020-02-10        3920
  6.0.8     2020-02-10        3915
  6.0.7     2020-02-01        3788 (+ 3800 + 3813)
  6.0.6     2020-01-30        3750
  6.0.5     2020-01-28        3729
  6.0.4     2020-01-28        3722
  6.0.3     2020-01-26        3698
  6.0.2     2020-01-25        3676
  6.0.1     2020-01-20        3641
  6         2020-01-12        3613
  5.9.1     2020-01-08        3546
  5.8.2     2019-08-20        2802
  5.8.1     2019-07-05        2788
  5.7.3     2019-06-05        2770
  5.7.2     2019-05-31        2743
  5.7.1     2019-04-30        2695
  5.7.0     2019-03-25        2659
  5.3.2     2018-09-16        2438
  5.3.1     2018-11-06        2339
  5.2.2     2018-03-14        2154
  5.2.1     2017-12-17        2091
  5.2.0     2017-12-13        2068
  4.2.2     2014-09-27        1042
  4.2.1     2013-05-13         992
  4.2.0     2013-02-24         874
  4.0.5     2012-02-05         469
  4.0.3     2012-01-17         451
  4.0.0     2008-07-22           1
  3.8.1     2007-12-07        2760
  3.7.1     2007-08-19           -
  3.7.0     2007-07-29           -
  3.6.5     2007-06-03           -
  3.6.4     2007-05-13           -
  3.6.3     2007-05-02           -
  3.6.2     2007-04-28           -
  3.6.1     2007-04-19           -
  3.6.0     2007-04-16           -
  3.5.0     2007-01-03           -
  3.4.7     2006-11-12           -
  3.4.6     2006-10-31           -
  3.4.5     2006-10-24           -
  3.4.4     2006-10-09           -
  3.4.3     2006-09-19           -
  3.4.2     2006-09-10           -
  3.4.1     2006-08-22           -
  3.4.0     2006-08-08           -
  3.3.2     2006-07-10           -
  3.3.1     2006-05-19           -
  3.3.0     2006-05-15           -
  3.2.4     2006-02-08           -
  3.2.3     2006-02-07           -
  3.2.2     2005-12-20           -
  3.2.1     2005-12-02           -
  3.2.0     2005-11-22           -
  3.1.1     2005-07-19           -
  3.1.0     2005-06-29           -
  3.0.6     2005-05-31           -
  3.0.5     2005-05-22           -
  3.0.4     2005-05-20           -
  3.0.3     2005-05-13           -
  3.0.2     2005-05-13           -
  3.0.1     2005-04-18           -
  3.0.0     2005-04-13           -
  2.3.6     2005-02-03           -
  2.3.5     2005-01-19           -
  2.3.4     2005-01-14           -
  2.3.3     2005-01-12           -
  2.3.2     2005-01-11           -
  2.3.1     2004-12-18           -
  2.3.0     2004-12-18           -
  2.2.0     2004-12-05           -
  2.1.1     2004-11-22           -
  2.1.0     2004-11-20           -
  2.0.0     2004-09-02           -   2005-06-01           -
  1.1.0     2004-05-04           -
  1.0.0     2004-05-03           -
  0.9.9i    2004-04-29           -
  0.9.9h    2004-04-25           -
  0.9.9g    2004-04-15           -
  0.9.9f    2004-04-09           -
  0.9.9e    2004-04-03           -
  0.9.9d    2004-03-28           -
  0.9.9c    2004-03-23           -
  0.9.9b    2004-03-14           -
  0.9.9     2004-03-04           -
  0.9.8     2004-02-26           -
  0.9.7     2004-02-24           -
  0.9.6     2004-02-23           -
  0.9.5b    2004-02-19           -
  0.9.4b    2004-02-17           -
  0.9.3     2004-02-14           -
  0.9.2     2004-02-11           -
  0.9.1     2004-02-09           -
