
WIKINDX v6.8.0

Focus: bug fixes, feature enhancements, improvements, and maintenance

Important information

This version supports PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3. It’s the first offering PHP 8.3 support.

This version supports the 8.x branch of MySQL, and MariaDB 10.4 and higher.

Feature enhancements

  • Added tooltips (short help texts when hovering over a menu item) to selected menu items [#555]. NB all plugin menu structures are changed to take account of this—see the WIKINDX help for details.
  • As per [#590], there is an option in Admin|Configure|Resource lists to change the default word conjunction in search fields (OR or AND).
  • Embed a full parser for MS Word binary files.
  • Support all EndNote XML formats: X1/X4, and X8 and higher.
  • Validate DOI resources on input [#504].
  • When viewing a single resource, the user and group bibliographies to which the resource belongs can now be edited.
  • Ideas can no longer be searched via Advanced search but are searched within their own interface under the Metadata menu.
  • Replaced the option to display the bibtex export of an individual resource with an icon that opens a pop-up to display either the bibtex export or the formatted (e.g. APA, IEEE, etc.) resource for copying. Where the formatted resource has a long URL that has been shortened for the display in WIKINDX, this facility allows you to copy the formatted resource with URL intact.
  • Add a "Protect case" button in the TinyMCE toolbar [#606].
  • New translation: Bulgarian (with DeepL and Google Translate).
  • New translation: Czech (with DeepL and Google Translate).
  • New translation: Finnish (with DeepL and Google Translate).

Feature enhancements (Plugins)

  • Renamed backupmysql to backupwikindx. The plugin now allows the option to back up combinations of the database, images, and attachments in the one ZIP file: all that is required to recreate the WIKINDX in another location.
  • adminstyle plugin: added creator formatting previews.


  • Speed up bibtex file imports by decreasing the number of MySQL statements required [#593].
  • When an input error occurs when adding/editing a resource, highlight the offending form object.
  • Improved fulltext search for exact phrase and improved the boolean logic for fulltext search.
  • When adding/​editing a resource, ensure more informative error messages are given [#599].
  • Simplify the selection of the usersNotifyAddEdit option.
  • In the backup database plugin, make the list of clickable URLs (existing backed-up files) scrollable.
  • Convert most yes/no radio buttons to select boxes.
  • In Advanced Search, improve the user bibliography filtering [#587]
  • Create a set of database tables (search_xxx) to hold HTML-filtered texts from tinyMCE textareas. This improves the accuracy of the search where, otherwise, HTML elements would have interfered with the search results.
  • Transfer ideas from the resource_metadata table to the new ideas table and transfer idea keywords from resource_keyword to ideas_keyword.
  • Improve navigation of ideas.
  • When viewing a single resource, include comments belonging to this user when determining if there are any other resources citing this resource.
  • Ensure that the superuser is directed to the logon page after completing a fresh install or upgrade of WIKINDX (they are not bumped back to read-only mode on the front page).
  • Invert the format of a resource's title where necessary. e.g., if the original title has elements in italics and the title field of the bibliographic template is enclosed in italics, remove the formatting of those original elements. The same for underline, bold, superscript, and subscript. An option to turn this on or off has been added to each bibliographic style.
  • Use the small custom field type (plain text) exclusively for adding fields to bibliographic resource templates and the long custom field type (HTML-enabled) to display extra information when viewing a resource [#637]. As part of the upgrade to v6.7.3, all existing small custom fields are converted to long. Should you wish to use an existing custom field as a bibliographic template field, you should convert it to a small custom field in the Admin|Custom Fields interface.
  • Make the interface for merging keywords the same as the interface for merging creators.
  • Improve handling of multiple punctuation in the bibcite engine.
  • Tidying up of the bibliographic styles.
  • Redirect the user to the login page at the end of install/upgrade [#620] [#625].
  • Add config option to choose either "AND" or "OR" as QuickSearch default between words [#590].


  • Update the support of MySQL: 8.0.11, the first official release of branch 8.x, is the minimum [#577].
  • PHP 8.3 support [#629].
  • Further clarify support for future versions of MariaDB [#598].
  • Further clarify support for older MySQL versions [#597].
  • Further clarify support for PHP versions.
  • Bump component compatibility version of plugins to 19.
  • Bump component compatibility version of templates to 5.
  • Add a separate upgrade procedure for style components when components are loaded [#557].
  • The reduction of menu levels is no longer controllable by template authors. Users can still use this option while waiting for a responsive menu to be implemented [#638].
  • Add an internal debug option for Pseudolocalization (experimental).
  • Add a fuzzing library to fuzz resources data (experimental).
  • Update jQuery (v3.7.1).
  • Update PHPMailer (v6.9.1).
  • Update Smarty (v5.0.0-rc2).
  • Update JpGraph (v4.4.2).
  • Update the word processor characters map (Unicode (UCD)
  • PHP 8.4 support (CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER is deprecated) [#656].

Bug fixes

  • Endnote styles such as IEEE using normal text for the in-text citations now display the citation wrapping characters.
  • Some endnote and footnote styles did not compile properly if any of the idem, ibid, and opCit templates were empty [#589].
  • Allow both footnotes and endnote in the same RTF WP export [#589].
  • Fix footnote arabic numbering of RTF WP export [#589].
  • For citation formatting, ensure headings and blockquotes delimit sentences. Part of [#589].
  • BibCite engine: The command to list all creators in footnote lists and bibliographic lists was ignored. Now fixed.
  • BibCite engine: The implementation of creator list limiting and subsequent abbreviation was incorrectly calculated for citations. This has been fixed.
  • For styles not using editorSwitch, the SQL statement for lists meant that not all resources were displayed in the list. This has been fixed.
  • Ensure punctuation within a title does not interfere with the implementation of the title : subtitle separator.
  • adminstyle plugin: ensure the bibliography template view works with the addition of custom fields without having to save the template first.
  • Fix BibTeX key transliteration [#600].
  • In resource form completion, ensure publisher details are filled in for web articles and web encyclopædia articles.
  • Fix browsing of resource keyword groups (where the list of resources incorrectly came from only one keyword in the group).
  • Fix counting of metadata when browsing keyword groups.
  • Fix idea search highlighting.
  • Fix difference in ordering of alphabetical paging links for MySQL [#654].
  • If the Quick Search phrase 'presencing NOT heidegger' is searched for, where 'presencing' produces no results and 'heidegger' produces some results, the final results list should be empty (rather than containing results with 'heidegger'). This is now so.
  • Fix and improve the display of creator hyperlinks in single resource view where there are creator aliases.
  • Somewhere along the line bibliography import tags disappeared from the Search|Browse menu—this has been corrected.
  • Displaying more than one wide custom field was inconsistent [#633].
  • EndNote export broken with custom fields—fixed [#595].
  • Endnote export duplicates creators—fixed [#602].
  • EndNote import emits warnings—fixed [#596].
  • Fix a warning when the EndNote import tool is used without a file.
  • Fix incorrect creator orders on Endnote imports [#603].
  • Fix RIS export for brochure resource types [#655].
  • The physical db name of howpublished field was exported instead of its value—fixed [#644].
  • “Export comments” option were not remembered by the user session like the other export options—fixed [#642] [#645].
  • Ensure the Admin|Delete resources can actually delete.
  • Fix merge creators merge feature.
  • Fix warnings on "Browse User tags" page.
  • Where read-only mode was denied or login was required, text attachments did not have their text extracted to the database. This has been fixed [#605].
  • Ensure the names of users adding and editing ideas are displayed in a multiuser WIKINDX.
  • Fix usersNotifyThreshold option saving.
  • Fix the creation of user groups in My WIKINDX.
  • Choosing users from a group to create it is now mandatory.
  • Fix the code that clears HTML input before the citation processing (<li> was becoming <td>).
  • Fix UTILS::reduceLongText() algorithm (preg_split could eat characters).
  • Fix incorrectly nested HTML structures.
  • Corrections for HTML entities (importing bibTeX and exporting RIS).
  • Fix character escaping in general [#306] [#466] [#466] [#570] [#579] [#607] [#612] [#646]
  • Fix the content of resourcecreatorCreatorSurname [#153].
  • The session GC is never triggered when WIKINDX is used by a single user, so do not read data from an expired session to prevent its resurrection [#464].
  • The RepairKit failed to create a column with auto increment option or auto CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update—fixed [#628].
  • Fix CSS/JS inlining [#608].
  • Fix SQL syntax differences between MySQL and MariaDB which caused the upgrade of a MySQL database to partially fail.


  • XSS with search argument list_AscDesc [#636].
  • Protect parsers against forbidden XML characters (crash) [#547].
  • Add spellcheck="false" to all password fields and some text fields to avoid spell-jacking data leaks [#631].
  • The file name of the main page of dbadminer is no longer adminer.php because hacker bots have this name in their dictionary [#650].


Bugs and feature requests : #153
Bugs and feature requests : #306
Bugs and feature requests : #464
Bugs and feature requests : #466
Bugs and feature requests : #504
Bugs and feature requests : #547
Bugs and feature requests : #555
Bugs and feature requests : #557
Bugs and feature requests : #570
Bugs and feature requests : #577
Bugs and feature requests : #579
Bugs and feature requests : #587
Bugs and feature requests : #589
Bugs and feature requests : #590
Bugs and feature requests : #593
Bugs and feature requests : #595
Bugs and feature requests : #596
Bugs and feature requests : #597
Bugs and feature requests : #598
Bugs and feature requests : #599
Bugs and feature requests : #600
Bugs and feature requests : #602
Bugs and feature requests : #603
Bugs and feature requests : #605
Bugs and feature requests : #606
Bugs and feature requests : #607
Bugs and feature requests : #608
Bugs and feature requests : #612
Bugs and feature requests : #620
Bugs and feature requests : #625
Bugs and feature requests : #628
Bugs and feature requests : #629
Bugs and feature requests : #631
Bugs and feature requests : #633
Bugs and feature requests : #637
Bugs and feature requests : #638
Bugs and feature requests : #642
Bugs and feature requests : #644
Bugs and feature requests : #645
Bugs and feature requests : #646
Bugs and feature requests : #650
Bugs and feature requests : #654
Bugs and feature requests : #655
Bugs and feature requests : #656

Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2024-02-15