
Wikindx v6.6.6 Released

Focus: bug fixes

Bug fix

  • Fix an issue with displaying attachment lists from advanced search.
  • Wrong name of optional bz2 extension.
  • Note 'xml' extension as mandatory.
  • Missing licence header.
  • Missing persistent mode for MySQL.
  • Missing socket support for MySQL [#509].
  • Replace the image of the statistics bar with CSS code because it is not accessible in some cases.
  • Escape histograms tooltips.
  • Resource type histograms tooltips were not translated.
  • Sort resource type names by following their translation.
  • Add missing fields from component.json in Admin Style editor.
  • Restore the licence field of component.json file of styles.
  • Clear the version table when a component is uninstalled.
  • Simplification of the translation system [#511] and standardization of catalogs between the core and the plugins [#510].
  • Ensure that the 'Return to list' icon when viewing a single resource is properly pointing back to the basket if basket was the last list type.
  • Fix HTML syntaxic errors (empty title and target attributes).
  • Fix quicksearch bug with no results when using AND [#517]
  • Wrong target attributs in resource view and attachments.
  • Follow the W3C standardization recommendation for strings to NFC (see
  • \FORM\selectedBox() could truncate option’s values.


Bugs and feature requests : #509
Bugs and feature requests : #510
Bugs and feature requests : #511
Bugs and feature requests : #517

Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2023-01-20