
Wikindx v6.4.2 Released

Focus: bug fixes, maintenance

Important information

From this version the API documentation and manual are integrated into the website. The manual will no longer be packaged.

Bugs fixes

  • When adding a new resource form, if a duplicate title is detected, the form is now re-presented with the filled-in form data intact [#313].
  • Fix SQL formatting.
  • Rearrange the order of some default function fields in readiness for PHP 8 [#312].
  • In some cases, QUICKSEARCH searched on an empty field in FULLTEXT mode (abstracts, notes, etc.) – fixed.
  • Recreate the usersUsernameUnique index with a BTREE type [#318].
  • Index_Type option is unreliable for InnoDB due to functionality of bug #22632.
  • Edit collection did not update the collection's resources [#319].
  • Drop old form_data table.
  • Add a missing index on resourceattachmentsResourceId (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcecustomCustomId (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcelanguageLanguageId (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcelanguageResourceId (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcemiscCollection (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcemiscPublisher (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcetimestampTimestamp (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcetimestampTimestamp (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcetimestampTimestampAdd (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Fix indices categoryCategory, keywordKeyword, and resourceTitle.
  • Workaround a limitation of MySQL (no self update of a table).
  • Allow the two syntax of current_timestamp() for MySQL and MariaDB.

Feature enhancement

  • Added the ability to add an impressum/legal notice at the footer of each page – see Admin|Configure|Miscellaneous.
  • Added code to interface with a Word add-in if the WIKINDX allows read-only access, can be reached through https:// and has
    in-text citation styles (such as APA, Harvard, MLA etc.). The add-in allows the importation of references and citations (quotations/paraphrases) direct from one or more wikindices. The word document can be 'finalized' in the add-in and this (re)formats the inserted references to the
    chosen style and appends a bibliography ordered as required.
  • Allow to use the CN as a LDAP login.


  • Blocks install/upgrade if the db engine does not meet the requirements [#311].
  • Move technical details in debug mode [#301].
  • Move the documentation on the website [#294].
  • Update Smarty (v3.1.39).
  • Update PHPMailer (v6.3.0).
  • Add a lot of missing indices.
  • Add missing FULLTEXT indices on resources.
  • When the WIKINDX_DEBUG_SQL is TRUE, always die on db error [#289].
  • Embed icons in HTML with base64 encoding [#321].
  • Remove dead code validating components ot type language.
  • New rule (code 34) about the characters set of the component_id field of the component.json file.
  • Note the ldap PHP extension as optional.
  • WIKINDX_MEMORY_LIMIT: follow the default official value of PHP memory_limit (128MB).
  • WIKINDX_MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT: follow the default official value of PHP max_execution_time (30 seconds).
  • Remove the deprecated syntax of WIKINDX_MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT. The value cannot be a string now.
  • Use a better system to rewrite the config file.
  • Ensure utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci is always the default collation of the database.
  • Standardize the name of the application to WIKINDX.


Bugs and feature requests : #289
Bugs and feature requests : #294
Bugs and feature requests : #301
Bugs and feature requests : #311
Bugs and feature requests : #312
Bugs and feature requests : #313
Bugs and feature requests : #318
Bugs and feature requests : #319
Bugs and feature requests : #321

Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-03-13