
WIKINDX 3.4.6 Released

WIKINDX 3.4.6 released.

WIKINDX is a free single or multi-user research environment storing searchable bibliographies, notes and citations and integrated with a WYSIWYG word processor for the authoring of publication-ready articles automatically formatted to chosen citation styles.

WIKINDX v3.4.6 has the following CHANGELOG:

Focus: Minor feature enhancements and minor bug fixes.
1/ When exporting to bibTeX, the user may now opt to use short titles for @STRING values.

1/ In certain bibliographic listing operations, a SQL error was produced when exporting to either bibtex or Endnote XML if using custom fields. This has been fixed.
2/ The 'random resource' feature now displays for read-only users.
3/ Corrections to the highlighting of metadata following a Quick Search where the metadata contains a URL.
4/ In bibTeX exports, ensured that the keyword for any @STRING only has allowable characters in it.

Other minor bug fixes.

A full list of the major features and the full CHANGELOG can be found at the WIKINDX home page:
Test-drive a public WIKINDX at:
Download WIKINDX at:

Why would I want to use WIKINDX?
If you want an academic/research authoring system that...

1/ can manage all my bibliographic data allowing me to search through them with an accuracy and speed that cannot be duplicated with index cards,
2/ enables me to store unlimited quotes, paraphrases and thoughts and to efficiently cross-reference them in a searchable database,
3/ is free, stable and open source allowing me to cast off the shackles of commercial, licensed software,
4/ supports non-English multi-byte character sets,
5/ runs on all major operating systems (*NIX, OsX, Windows),
6/ runs not only on a desktop computer but also on a web server so I can access my bibliography from any networked point or share my bibliography with my research team,
7/ allows multiple attachments for each bibliographic resource,
8/ can export my bibliography in various bibliographic styles (APA, Chicago, IEEE for example),
9/ allows me to edit or create bibliographic styles through a graphical interface,
10/ integrates a WYSIWYG word processor with easy importation of quotes etc. so that at long last I can write an article, from draft through to publication, with automatic citation formatting entirely within the one software,
11/ at the click of a mouse button will reformat my article to another citation style whether that style uses
footnotes, endnotes or in-text citation,
12/ can import and export other bibliographic formats including BibTeX or Endnote format,
13/ supports multiple users,

...then WIKINDX is all this and more.

Mark Grimshaw (WIKINDX administrator - 1/November/2006)

Posted by Mark Grimshaw 2006-10-31