
v7.0.0 roadmap

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2023-12-06

    Just thinking ahead post 6.8.0 . . .

    I would really like to work on the word processor. As an academic, I often work with co-authors. Currently, it is not possible to use WIKINDX's word processor for this. So, in the word processor . . .

    1. Implement co-authoring [#513]
    2. Implement track changes (including accept, reject [go back], view with/without)
    3. Ownership sound editing/viewing rights

    1. Improve the adding of citations (re-use code that was written for the Word and Google Docs add-ins)
    2. Real-time formatting of citations (presupposes a way to edit citations in the document via a side window, perhaps also an expandable side window for the bibliography)
    3. Add other export formats such as OOXML [#467]

    If we achieve the above, then, for me, what I set out to do over 20 years ago would be complete—a one-stop shop for academic authoring. This would be the implementation of all the major functionality of what I originally envisioned. Of course, work would continue on improvements (other import/export formats, more bibliographic styles, etc., etc., etc.).




    Bugs and feature requests : #467
    Bugs and feature requests : #513

    Last edit: Stéphane Aulery 2024-02-09
    • Stéphane Aulery

      Ok, let's make the software complete in terms of major features. Afterwards we can go further in rearchitecting, design, modularity.

      I still don't know if you want to promote a library of user-written styles.

      • Mark Grimshaw

        Mark Grimshaw - 2023-12-06

        I would certainly like a library of user-written styles but establishing it is another thing. We'll put that on the back-burner for now. More immediate (but not so pressing) would be a facility to search and convert CSL styles (


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