
v4 beta testers required

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2011-10-24

    Dear all,

    I'm very close to a beta v4 release and am looking for beta-testers who can install wikindx on a non-production server and who would be prepared to spend some time testing and compiling careful bug reports using SF tools.  All beta testers will be listed in credits.

    FYI, the current CHANGELOG is:


    Focus: Major feature and interface enhancements, significant speed improvements, bug fixes and program/database re-structuring.

    1.  The database has been re-structured mainly to allow the provision of a table prefix in hosting situations where the user may only have one database (see wikindx3/config.php $WIKINDX_DB_TABLEPREFIX).
    2.  v4 requires >= PHP5.3 - and has been re-written in a more OOP-like manner to reflect this - and requires that javascript be enabled in the web browser.  PHP5.3 also allows full use of AJAX/JSON techniques to improve the user interface and this is used in several areas of WIKINDX.
    3.  v4 requires at least MySQL 4.1 to cater for subqueries.
    4.  The database now uses the UTF-8 character set and collation.
    5.  v3.x plug-in modules will require minor re-writes to become compatible with the new v4 structure.
    6.  The core code is smaller and many extraneous functions in previous versions are now available as separately downloadable plug-in modules.
    7.  v4 uses Smarty templates for the display and greater control has now been given to admins over the visual display of many elements and pages.

    1.  For registered users, the session state is now automatically saved (bookmarks, searches, basket etc.) without requiring an explicit log-off.
    2.  Cited authors may now be browsed as a tag cloud.
    3.  Publication years may now be browsed as a tag cloud.
    4.  Resource types may now be browsed as a tag cloud.
    5.  For registered users, their user bibliographies may now be browsed as a tag cloud.
    6.  Multiple URLs may now be stored with each resource.
    7.  Bibliographic style files are now cached speeding up formatting operations.
    8.  New Subcategories are organized hierarchically below Categories.  Each category can have zero or multiple subcategories; each subcategory belongs to one and only one category.
    9.  Registered users can make use of new user tags (managed from the My Wikindx menu).  These function like personal keywords for resources.
    10.  Custom fields are now searcheable from within Search.
    11.  Resources added by registered users can now be optionally quarantined and blocked from public view  until approved by an administrator. Administrators can quarantine resources at any time.
    12.  When displaying lists of resources, by default any URLs that appear as part of the bibliographic format for that resource are hyperlinked to that URL.  Registered users can now set the entire resource to be hyperlinked to viewing that resource.
    13.  In addition to merging creators (where the merged creators will be deleted and subsumed under the target creator), admins may now group creators.  This is intended for situations where one person may be represented by different creator names but you wish to keep those creator names accurate to the original bibliographic source.  Grouped creators will not be deleted but, in select and browse operations, a selection of any member of a group will produce a list of resources for all members of that group.
    14.  Registered users can now be placed in a department and institution for organizational purposes and can be specified as a creator for email notification of resource edits where they are a creator.  If a creator has been specified for users, departments or institutions, these three can be listed in the browse menu.
    15.  Attachments can be embargoed (blocked from public view) until a specified date - the embargo is automatically lifted at or after the specified date.  Until that time, only admins can view embargoed attachments.
    16.  BBCode is now no longer used and all form fields that previously used BBCode now use the WYSIWYG TinyMCE editor.  The database upgrade process converts BBCode elements to HTML elements.
    17.  User registration requests can now be checked using CAPTCHA technology in order to cut down spam and bot requests.  Get public and private keys for your domain from: and enter them in config.php.

    1.  All querystring and form input is now stripped of javascript tags and other unwanted information.

    1. Significant improvements to SQL execution speeds especially for complex queries and wikindices with large numbers of records.
    2. Interface improvements re entering/editing new resources - all fields are now entered on one page - and search and list pages.


  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2011-11-01

    Sounds brilliant regret I cannot offer my services for Beta testing at the present time.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-16

    Hi there,

    I could do some beta-testing on a Windows running XAMPP - I would need some instruction on how to use SF bug reporting tools, though.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2011-11-17

    Hi Notics,

    Many thanks.  I'm hoping I'll be able to release the beta in a few weeks so will keep you advised.  I'll also set up the SF bug-reporting system so that it is easy to use.

    I'l be in touch.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2012-01-07

    Hi Notix,

    I'm ready to go with beta-testing.  Can you email me your SF username and a private email and I'll set you up on the bug reporting and with the initial code.

    XAMP is MacOSX isn't it?


  • Notis Toufexis

    Notis Toufexis - 2012-01-08

    Hi Marc, just sent you a message in SF.

  • Hélio Alvarenga Nunes

    Nice to see you back! I am ready to beta test and translate the new version.

  • Jutta

    Jutta - 2012-11-17

    I may be late, but I am willing to test.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2012-11-17

    Hi Ju_wien,

    Many thanks for the offer.  The beta release is taking some time but I am getting closer and am now just working on plug-ins.  If you do want to beta-test, please send me your email and confirm your SF username please.



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-12-14

    I'm a bit late I think but I could do some tests. Depending on how much time I could put on this I'm willing to translate in french. I will need some instructions on SF bug reporting.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2012-12-14

    Hi Cyclo68,

    Many thanks for the offer and, yes, I'm always happy to take on more beta-testers.  I'll add you to the list after which you'll have access to the v4 bug reporting on the SF wikindx site.

    I'm hoping to have a release ready early January.

    Are you by any chance using windows and Internet Explorer?  I could do with a thorough testing on that platform and browser.

    Regarding the French translation, I suggest you contact Stéphane (SF username:  lkppo) who is one of the developers here and has been working on a French translation.  I don't know how far she has reached and if she would like some help.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2012-12-14

    Forgot to add, I assume you can get hold of the latest SVN code (  The main code is in trunk/


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-03

    I've installed the V4 release and set TortoiseSVN (first time for me). I'm a firefox user but I can test on IE . wikndx is installe on CentOS machine here. I will contact Stéphane for the french translation. Are we suppose to wait until beta release to test ?

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-01-04

    Hi Pierre,

    I'd say go ahead and start testing right now.  As far as I'm concerned, v4 is all finished and I've been spending the past few days writing documentation and myself testing.  I'd like to make a release of 4.1 at the end of next week.



  • Fabrizio Tallarita

    Hi Mark.

    As my past email message, I'm testing v.4.1 online here: and try to finish Italian localization.

    It's a slow server. It's perfect for test v.4 in an NON-OPTIMAL webserver.

    thanks for all.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-03

    Not that slow a server Fabrizio.



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