
Installation Error

  • Andrew

    Andrew - 2014-04-11


    I am having some trouble installing wikindx on my linux server. I can get to the configuration page but I get the warning messages:

    Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/jans77/public_html/config.php:740) in /home/jans77/public_html/core/startup/ENVIRONMENT.php on line 81

    Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/jans77/public_html/config.php:740) in /home/jans77/public_html/core/startup/ENVIRONMENT.php on line 81

    It looks like my session is reset every time I take an action. For instance I can log in, but the second I click a link I have to log in again. I tried accessing the site from different browsers and computers with all the same results. Does anyone have any ideas on that matter?

    Many Thanks!

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2014-04-12

    Hi Andrew,

    Sorry to hear you're having problems.

    It sounds to me as if the session is not being written at all. The first place I would look is config.php at:

    Try a different $WIKINDX_SESSION_PATH in an area you can control and that is writeable by the web user.



  • Jan

    Jan - 2014-04-15

    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for your quick reply! I am working with Andrew on this. I tried setting the path. The directory is read/write/execute for everyone, but the symptoms are still the same.

    Do you have any other ideas? We are using a standard godaddy Linux domain.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2014-04-15

    Hi Jan,

    I've often seen this:
    'Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent'
    when there's a print statement early in the scripts and before the session tries to start (line 81 in ENVIRONMENT.php).

    I'm puzzled by this:

    config.php only has about 369 lines. 740 lines is almost double so it looks like something has gone wrong there.

    Tell me how long your config.php file is please. Check also that it hasn't somehow doubled in size (perhaps an error in copying to it from config.php.dist?).



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2014-04-15

    . . .if there are blank lines at the end of config.php, delete them.


  • Jan

    Jan - 2014-04-16

    Hi Mark,

    I think you nailed it. We unziped the source in Windows and then moved everything to the server with WinSCP. Editing config files also happened with the WinSCP on Windows. We are at 740 lines now config.php, so I guess somewhere in the process we got extra line breaks. I will work on fixing this tonight and let you know what happens.

    Thanks for your help!


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2014-04-16

    Let's hope that's it.


  • Jan

    Jan - 2014-04-17

    Hi Mark,

    Now it works. WinSCP's internal editor added extra line-breaks, despite using binary transfer. Thanks again for your help and the great software!


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2014-04-17

    Glad it's sorted.



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