
LDAP Error

Elie Akl
  • Elie Akl

    Elie Akl - 2020-05-20

    i recently installed wikindx latest version on oracle linux and everything is installed and configured, once in the admin panel configuring LDAP authentication when i check the box that says enable ldap auth and enter the details server name, username and password etc and i click proceed i get with http 500 error. i tried to look into my logs in /var/log/error_log and the ssl error logs but i couldnt find anything related it just loads the primary page but whenever i try to login i stumble across the 500 error.

    any help is appreciated thank you.

  • Elie Akl

    Elie Akl - 2020-05-20

    update i have enabled debugging from the portal and this error came up

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-05-20

    Hi Elie,

    Sorry to hear you are having problems. We will do our best to solve the issue.

    Have you installed and enabled LDAP in your PHP?

    The function that is thrown up in the error message is not a WIKINDX function but part of the PHP LDAP library. If ldap_connect() cannot be found then it is likely that LDAP is not installed as part of your PHP.

    I'll pass this to Stéphane who is more familiar with LDAP than I am.



    • Stéphane Aulery

      Hello Elie,

      You need to install and enable the PHP LDAP extension PHP LDAP Doc in php.ini.

      Something like : yum -y install php-ldap
      + adding "" to php.ini

      But take this with a grain of salt because it depends on how the distribution works and PHP have been packaged, and I have never used Oracle.


  • Elie Akl

    Elie Akl - 2020-05-20

    hey guys,
    thank you for your quick reply i installed php-ldap and it works great, i installed sendmail as well but it seems not sending email too does it need any extension as well?
    one more question i entered the LDAP base DN as my full Domain controller but it seems its looking for a bind user and will not accept any other login is this my side of config ? or did i miss something ?

    • Stéphane Aulery

      The best response is in the code :

         41     private function ldapCheckPassword($usersUsername, $pwdInput)
         40     {
         39         if (!in_array("ldap", get_loaded_extensions())) {
         38             return FALSE;
         37         }
         36         if (($ds = ldap_connect(WIKINDX_LDAP_SERVER, WIKINDX_LDAP_PORT)) === FALSE) {
         35             $this->session->setVar("misc_ErrorMessage", $this->errors->text("inputError", "ldapConnect"));
         33             return FALSE;
         32         }
         31         ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, WIKINDX_LDAP_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
         30         if (($ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ds)) === FALSE) {
         29             $this->session->setVar("misc_ErrorMessage", $this->errors->text("inputError", "ldapBind"));
         27             return FALSE;
         26         }
         25         $sr = @ldap_search($ds, WIKINDX_LDAP_DN, '(uid=' . $usersUsername . ')');
         24         $info = @ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
         23         if ($info['count'] > 1) {
         22             $this->session->setVar("misc_ErrorMessage", $this->errors->text("inputError", "ldapTooManyUsers"));
         20             return FALSE;
         19         }
         18         if ($info['count'] == 1) {
         17             $ldaprdn = $info[0]['dn'];
         16         } else {
         15             $ldaprdn = "cn=" . $usersUsername . "," . WIKINDX_LDAP_DN;
         14         }
         13         // Connexion au serveur LDAP
         12         $ldappass = $pwdInput;
         11         $ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ds, $ldaprdn, $ldappass);
         10         if ($ldapbind) {
                                 // AUTH OK
                                 } else {
                                     //AUTH KO
  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-05-20

    Thanks for getting back to us Elie with the solution – we'll add some more helpful messages to that part of the configuration for future users.

    I'll leave Stéphane to answer the other questions but you can test the email configuration – if not email is being sent, can you post here the response from the SMTP server?



  • Elie Akl

    Elie Akl - 2020-05-20

    hey Mark,
    i will run some tests and get back to you with logs i am not using an smtp i am using a relay.

    • Stéphane Aulery

      If your host relays to an other server, use the sendmail option and customize the sendmail path according to your distribution.


      Last edit: Stéphane Aulery 2020-05-20
  • Elie Akl

    Elie Akl - 2020-05-22

    hey guys again,

    i noticed that whenever i enable the ldap auth i can no longer login using the super user i created once i configured wikindx the first time, any suggestions ?

    • Stéphane Aulery

      Hi Elie,

      To date it's all or nothing. There is no ldap -> native auth fallback or special case for the super administrator account. A fallback takes interest away from ldap. But I think that the super administrator should always identify himself with the native method or have a fallback just for him. To discuss with Mark.


      • Elie Akl

        Elie Akl - 2020-05-22

        so basically if i want to use the LDAP function the super administrator should be authenticated with AD for now ?

        • Stéphane Aulery

          In the last stable version yes.

          • Elie Akl

            Elie Akl - 2020-05-22

            maybe a suggestion to create a seperate admin login that has its own table in DB for auth instead of being globaly integrated ?

            • Elie Akl

              Elie Akl - 2020-05-22

              and if possible to add CN as a group instead of an OU in the DN feild but its just an idea.

              • Stéphane Aulery

                This code was contributed by a user. I know that there are several ways to do it, but I am not sufficiently informed to produce a code which allows all these forms.

            • Stéphane Aulery

              After a ldap auth, the user is registered in wikindx and the super-admin is always registered in the wikindx db. It's just a matter of choising and documenting the right or least surprising behavior.

            • Stéphane Aulery

              The next release will include a native fallback auth for the Super Adin, only.


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