
Wikindx Upgrade

Elie Akl
  • Elie Akl

    Elie Akl - 2020-06-08


    I did an upgrade today but it was very hard i followed the instructions in the docs for the upgrade and i faced some issues i will state them here.

    First i created a new DB and i dumped the old DB and created a new wikindx folder and edited the config file with the new DB name and i restored the dumped DB to the new created one and upon first login it asked me to configure the new DB as for entering new super admin username passsword so i went back and created another fresh DB thinking i did something wrong but i have not imported the dumped DB so i proceeded again to first login and entered all info then after i was done configuring i restored the DB and refreshed the page and it asked me for a superadmin username and password to complete the upgrade, i entered the superadmin username and password but it didnt recognize them at all ( I have LDAP AUTH on from the dumped DB) even tho the superadmin user i am using is an LDAP user in the specified OU and with admin privileges checkbox in users, so its an administrator but it seems when i go back to the old version and i login with the super admin it seems its like a normal user and not an administrator so my workaround was to reinstall a fresh DB with fresh configuration file on the new version folder with and login to the admin config panel and kept the admin panel page open then i stoped apache from running and replaced the config file with the old version then started apache again then i disabled LDAP auth from the same page i left open and it updated the configuration files then again stoped apache server replaced the old config with the new config file with the new DB and restored them dumped data into it and started apache again and refreshed and asked me for superadmin and i entered the credentials and everything worked smoothly.

    So the issue is even a user i manually made him an administrator in admin settings he cant be used to update wikindx that same user is used in ldap and its the same user for superadmin so it is a little confusing here.

    Another thing i found a bug with login, while LDAP auth is active if you enter any valid username without a password and hit login, it will log you in as that user.

    Short version: While LDAP auth is on it is nearly impossible to update wikindx when asking for superadmin user and pass, and i cannot login as an administrator with the same superadmin user and pass when i login its missing the Admin menu.

    Thank you.

    • Stéphane Aulery

      Hi Elie,

      What mean last version ? trunk ?



      Last edit: Stéphane Aulery 2020-06-11
    • Stéphane Aulery

      Hi Elie,

      First, I find that the upgrade manual is misleading because he brings you on the path of reinstalling instead of saving code, data, and DB and performing an upgrade of the actual code. If the upgrade go wrong you can restore.

      Trying to setup another site is complex because you need to make an other DB, change urls, and setur an other vhost. More work that needed.

      In 6.3.1, it will be able to upgrade with LDAP auth On.

      I commited a fix for 6.3.1 that prevent auth with a blank password. Thanks for catching this.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-06-08

    Hi Elie,

    Which version were you trying to update to? If not v6.3.1 (not publicly available other than through SVN), then the soonto-be-released 6.3.1 has some work from Stéphane to deal with precisely these issues.

    In the meantime, you could try disabling LDAP in wikind directly in the backed-up database by editing the config table in MYSQL:
    Find the configName column labelled 'configLdapUse' and change that row's configBoolean to either NULL or 0.

    With any luck, this should allow you to upgrade after which you can turn on LDAP again.

    I'm afraid I can't fully test this (or the bug you mention) as I don't run LDAP so must wait for Stéphane. I'm sure he'll get onto it soon.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-06-08

    . . . and I'm now just read /understoodthat you managed to get in anyway. I'll await Stéphane's response.



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