
Getting used to v4

Frank A
  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-01-21

    It is an excellent new version… well done.
    I am going to add in sone observations, have to still confirm if bugs or just not found out how to do. Once I test these will reply and if bug add to reporting system.

    1 Paste Bibtex - does not clear data from previous paste (sometimes?)
    2 New tags not being added, not yet found how to add if manual…

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-01-21

    Thanks for the compliments Frank.

    1.  I'll look into clearing bibtex paste.
    2.  What tags are you referring to?  The tags given to bibliography imports or the user tags new in v4?


  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-01-21

    1 does seem consistent.
    2. Tags - opps meant Keywords. No add option. I have succeeded in adding one once so far but only by playing with merge… which of course did not do what I intended. Need to try some more.
    3. Oddity was when I edited My Wikindex without changing passwords, browser prompted to update saved password and overwrote with incorrect data. Not sure if that is an issue for software or browser or just me saying yes instead of no!

    Adding material so much easier :)

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-01-21

    You can add keywords to resources when viewing or editing resources.  Unlike categories/sub-categories, keywords can't be added independently they are tied to resources so you can't have a keyword without resources.

    I haven't noticed 3/ yet.  It would be helpful if you would investigate further and let me know.  Is this Firefox?


  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-01-21

    3.  yes Firefox on Ubuntu. Will test again

    2. On first edit of a resource previously added via paste bibtxt, it only accepts one keyword in the update. On subsequent updates it allows any number of keywords including new keywords.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-01-22

    I'll look into it.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-01-22

    I've fixed the clear issue for bibtex paste.

    I see the keyword problem happening so will look into it.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-01-23

    If you can access SVN, can you let me know if the bug has been fixed (i.e. the keywords bug)?



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