
browse/list by title not possible?

Frank A
  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-11

    Asked how to do this by a user I failed...

    1. Title is not an option in Browse
    2. List resource - only publisher and index work, all other options give blanks screen.
    3. Select reource - sequence by title = blank screen

    Is this a bug or am I trying something not expected? 1860 recsources in dB.

  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-11

    here is SQL from option 2

    deleted a no further use and too long :)


    Last edit: Frank A 2013-02-11
  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-11

    Hi Frank,

    Operations 2 and 3 above work fine for me and the SQL looks fine.

    It doesn't really make sense to me to browse by title as this will simply produce a list of (probably) unique titles which is not the function of browse. e.g., it collects all resources under individual keywords or creators so you can click on a keyword link and it returns a list of all resources having that keyword.

    Do you get anything if you turn on error reporting?

    In the first instance, you should upgrade to wikindx v4.1.3 which fixes a number of bugs.

    I've come across blank pages before in the context of PHP running out of memory. You can try adjusting this first in config.php or, if that doesn't work, directly in php.ini (if you have access to it).



  • Stephan Matthiesen

    Also works for me. Just and additional comment about PHP memory: if the setting in config.php doesn't work and you don't have access to php.ini, then you can also try to set the memory in the file .htaccess (create it in the wikindx folder if doesn't exist) with the following statement:

    php_value memory_limit 64M

    (Mark, you may want to add this info to the FAQ).

    When you say "blank page", do you mean completely blank, or just the wikindx menu with zero search results?

    • Mark Grimshaw

      Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-12

      Added to website INSTALL.

      By blank page, I mean an entirely blank page.


  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-11

    Completely blank. Memory limit is 128M so no prob there. It is on a VPS.

    Mark - will get that latest version up, as that will include the dupe title problem.

    It might not make senses to you but it is the first user question I have had, bear in mind a very different user base to the academic world.

  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-11

    OK upgraded and run with php error on: (part of path obscured ...)

    Notice: Undefined property: BIBFORMAT::$TemplateSet in / on line 296 Notice: Undefined index: in on line 298 Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in / on line 1193

  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-11

    It works for LIST resource by title descending but not ascending. It might be a corrupt record. I already found one at the end which I deleted but now I cannot get to the last page to find the problem record. The problem record I deleted was a duplicate with truncation of title after a period. Had author but no publisher or other data. Should be no records like that in db


    Last edit: Frank A 2013-02-11
  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-11

    Based on that info I tried publisher as sequence for list resource and sure enough if I got it to put the blank publisher first it caused the error to occur! So how to find the faulty record! I presume the problem was caused from one of the fixed bugs.

  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-12

    I am guessing that the problem record has not got a category as I have done a select for each category and went through each set of results with no errors.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-12

    Hi Frank,

    1. When did you get that PHP error and do you still get it? I don't get it on your wikindx site.

    2. If a problem was caused by one of the fixed bugs then it would only be one in 4.1.1 (as you had this problem with that version). Those bug fixes include:
      a. Bibtex Paste input is now cleared of any previous text.
      b. Under some circumstances, keywords and user tags were not added to resources when editing resources.
      c. Some missing messages for table and image in the tiny_mce editors.
      d. SQL error in SELECT resources when choosing just the option NOT in user bibliography.
      I can't think of any reason why those would cause a problem.

    3. List all by title descending gives the problem if the paging is set to 500 and the querystring is:
      pagingStart above 1360 gives problem.

    If querystring includes PagingStart=1359 or less, then no problem.

    This leads me to suspect a corrupt record as you suggest.

    However, it may not be the fault you suggest. . . .

    I'm puzzled by your PHP error (presumably I don't see that as you now have error reporting now turned off). From that error, it looks like the database field resource.resourceType is incorrect or missing.

    A. Have you disabled any resource types in config.php?
    B. If you have access to PHPMyAdmin, can you issue the following query:
    SELECT DISTINCT resourceType FROM WKX_resource
    then send me a screenshot of the result please?

    B. The easiest thing, if you can do it, would be to send a database dump to me but to ensure that I have superadmin access to it:
    a) temporarily change the superadmin username/password
    b) do the dump
    c) change the superadmin username/password back
    d) email the dump to me and tell me that temporary superadmin username/password

    Sorry for all the problems you're having, but we will solve them,




    Last edit: Mark Grimshaw 2013-02-12
  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-12

    Hi again,

    I'd forgotten that I still have admin access to your bibliography so I went in and turned SQL statement printing on. On the page that gives an error above, I get the following SQL statements which are problematic:

    [EXEC] SELECT ROUND(resourcemiscAccesses / DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), resourcetimestampTimestampAdd), 3) AS accessRatio FROM WKX_resource_misc LEFT JOIN WKX_resource_timestamp ON resourcetimestampId = resourcemiscId WHERE (resourcemiscId = '')

    [EXEC] SELECT ROUND(AVG(resourceattachmentsDownloads / DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), resourceattachmentsTimestamp)), 3) AS downloadRatio FROM WKX_resource_attachments WHERE (resourceattachmentsResourceId = '') GROUP BY resourceattachmentsResourceId

    [EXEC] SELECT resourceattachmentsId FROM WKX_resource_attachments WHERE (resourceattachmentsResourceId = '') AND (resourceattachmentsEmbargo = 'N')

    [EXEC] SELECT resourcecreatorCreatorId, resourcecreatorRole FROM WKX_resource_creator WHERE (resourcecreatorResourceId = '') ORDER BY resourcecreatorRole ASC, resourcecreatorOrder ASC

    The problem is the empty '' in the WHERE statements. The result from a missing resource.resourceId field. When you say above that you deleted corrupted fields/records, how did you do this?

    It would be useful to have a look at your database dump to see why this should occur.



  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-13

    All resolved off forum with much thanks to Mark. Problem was some minor data errors.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-14

    Keep an eye out for a forthcoming repair plugin to fix such occasional database corruptions.




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