
Moving the attachements folder out of wikindx folder on seperate device

  • Tony

    Tony - 2020-06-09

    Hi folks,

    I know that attachments are saved in <your_wikindx_root data="" attachments=""> folder.</your_wikindx_root>

    I want to be able to store my attachements on a seperate device. Is is possible to move the attachements folder on a seperate device and tell config.php where to go and look for the attachement directory?


    • Stéphane Aulery

      Hi Tony,

      Move them on your device and use a combo of NFS, mount and/or symlink to bring access to them without changing folder layout and config.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-06-10

    Hi Tony,

    I believe providing an option in Admin|Configure is on our to-do list but, in the meantime, you could try editing 'WIKINDX_DIR_DATA_ATTACHMENTS' in core/startup/CONSTANTS.php.

    I have not tested it.

    If it works, I would not recommend it as a permanent solution as future upgrades of WIKINDX will overwrite any changes.

    Further complicating matters is that PDFs and Office documents are converted to text and stored in cache/attachments/ for tull-text searching. You might wish to move that as well but there should be no problem not doing so should you so wish.



  • Tony

    Tony - 2020-06-10

    Ok, thanks. I think what you are saying is that there could be a workaround but that it's not supported by default so there is no option in config.php. However, you have it on your todo list at some point. If that is the case, I won't take any risks. I don't want to break my installation.
    Hopefully, at some point, you will allow the user to move ./data/attachements and ./cache/attachements elsewhere (i.e. another partition or device).

    This would make backups and upgrading less painful. At the moment, when you upgrade and forget to move those folders you are left wondering where the hell the attachements went.

    Luckily the whole Wikindx structure is quite simple and its quite difficult to break the system as long as you backup:
    a) the mysql database
    b) config.pho
    c) ./data/attachments
    d) ./cache/attachments

    Keep us posted on when you include this feature. I'll be looking out for it.

    • Mark Grimshaw

      Mark Grimshaw - 2020-06-11

      Thanks Tony,

      Perhaps Stéphane's solution is the better one. We'll be releasing 6.3.1 today or tomorrow.



  • Tony

    Tony - 2020-06-12

    Great! Does that mean that 6.3.1 will have an option to save the data folder outside of the wikindx root folder?

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-06-13

    Hi Tony,

    Not for this release I'm afraid.

    I don't understand this:
    "This would make backups and upgrading less painful. At the moment, when you upgrade and forget to move those folders you are left wondering where the hell the attachements went."

    The upgrade process doesn't touch those folders and hasnøt since they were created in version 5.9.1.




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