
Wikindx JSON Error - Resolved

  • Sunita Barve

    Sunita Barve - 2021-06-09

    I am trying to configure wikindx but when I click on any option in configure list it throws error as

    HTTP status: 200. JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data ERROR. PHP says:

    Warning: Use of undefined constant localhost - assumed 'localhost' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/wikindx/core/startup/LOADSTATICCONFIG.php on line 29

    Warning: Use of undefined constant wikindx - assumed 'wikindx' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/wikindx/core/startup/LOADSTATICCONFIG.php on line 29

    Warning: Use of undefined constant wikindx - assumed 'wikindx' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/wikindx/core/startup/LOADSTATICCONFIG.php on line 29

    Warning: Use of undefined constant wikindx - assumed 'wikindx' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/wikindx/core/startup/LOADSTATICCONFIG.php on line 29


    <script src="\"http:\/\/localhost\/wikindx\/core\/modules\/admin\/configure.js?ver=6.4.9\"">&lt;\/script&gt;<form method=\"post\" onsubmit=\"selectAll();return true;\"><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"action\" name=\"action\" value=\"admin_CONFIGURE_CORE\"><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"method\" name=\"method\" value=\"writeDb\" ><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"selectItem\" name=\"selectItem\" value=\"lists\" ><table class=\"generalTable borderStyleSolid left\">\n<tr class=\"\">\n<td class=\"\" colspan=\"\"><span class=\"required\" title=\"\" ><em>&lt;\/span&gt;Default no. resources to display\/screen (paging):<br><input type=\"text\" id=\"configPaging\" name=\"configPaging\" size=\"10\" maxLength=\"10\" class=\"formElements\" value=\"20\" ><br><span class=\"hint\" title=\"\" ><a class=\"browseLink\" style=\"color: green; font-size: ;\" href=\"#\" target=\"\" title=\"-1 is unlimited. Default is 20\" >Hint&lt;\/a&gt;&lt;\/span&gt;&lt;\/td&gt;\n<td class=\"\" colspan=\"\"><span class=\"required\" title=\"\" ></em>&lt;\/span&gt;Default no. paging links to display\/screen:<br><input type=\"text\" id=\"configPagingMaxLinks\" name=\"configPagingMaxLinks\" size=\"10\" maxLength=\"10\" class=\"formElements\" value=\"11\" ><br><span class=\"hint\" title=\"\" ><a class=\"browseLink\" style=\"color: green; font-size: ;\" href=\"#\" target=\"\" title=\"Minimum is 4. Default is 11\" >Hint&lt;\/a&gt;&lt;\/span&gt;&lt;\/td&gt;\n<td class=\"\" colspan=\"\"><span class=\"required\" title=\"\" >*&lt;\/span&gt;Default no. tag cloud items to display\/screen (paging):<br><input type=\"text\" id=\"configPagingTagCloud\" name=\"configPagingTagCloud\" size=\"10\" maxLength=\"10\" class=\"formElements\" value=\"100\" ><br><span class=\"hint\" title=\"\" ><a class=\"browseLink\" style=\"color: green; font-size: ;\" href=\"#\" target=\"\" title=\"-1 is unlimited. Default is 100\" >Hint&lt;\/a&gt;&lt;\/span&gt;&lt;\/td&gt;\n&lt;\/tr&gt;\n<tr class=\"\">\n<td class=\"\" colspan=\"\">&nbsp;&lt;\/td&gt;\n<td class=\"\" colspan=\"\">&nbsp;&lt;\/td&gt;\n&lt;\/tr&gt;\n<tr class=\"\">\n<td class=\"\" colspan=\"\">For resource lists, make each resource hyperlinked to viewing that resource:<br><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"configListLink\" name=\"configListLink\" class=\"formElements\" title=\"\" checked >&lt;\/td&gt;\n<td class=\"\" colspan=\"\"><p class=\" left\">Ignore list (sorting):<br><textarea id=\"configNoSort\" name=\"configNoSort\" cols=\"40\" rows=\"7\" class=\"formElements\" >an, a, the, der, die, das, ein, eine, einer, eines, le, la, las, il, les, une, un, una, uno, lo, los, i, gli, de, het, um, uma, o, os, as, den, det, en, et&lt;\/textarea&gt;<br><span class=\"hint\" title=\"\" ><a class=\"browseLink\" style=\"color: green; font-size: ;\" href=\"#\" target=\"\" title=\"When ordering resources by title, ignore the following list of case-insensitive words if they are the first word of the title. Comma-separated list\" >Hint&lt;\/a&gt;&lt;\/span&gt;&lt;\/p&gt;&lt;\/td&gt;\n<td class=\"\" colspan=\"\"><p class=\" left\">Ignore list (searching):<br><textarea id=\"configSearchFilter\" name=\"configSearchFilter\" cols=\"40\" rows=\"7\" class=\"formElements\" >an, a, the, and, to&lt;\/textarea&gt;<br><span class=\"hint\" title=\"\" ><a class=\"browseLink\" style=\"color: green; font-size: ;\" href=\"#\" target=\"\" title=\"When searching resources or metadata, ignore the following list of case-insensitive words if they are not part of an exact phrase. Comma-separated list\" >Hint&lt;\/a&gt;&lt;\/span&gt;&lt;\/p&gt;&lt;\/td&gt;\n&lt;\/tr&gt;\n&lt;\/table&gt;\n<p class=\" left\"><input type=\"submit\" id=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" class=\"formElements\" value=\"Proceed\" >&lt;\/p&gt;&lt;\/form&gt;&lt;\/div&gt;"}</p> <div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span>Can someone help to solve this issue. </pre></div> </script>
    • Stéphane Aulery


      Did you receive this error the first time you opened the configure screen or after you change some options in this screen?

      What's your PHP version?

      Please send attach a screenshot of the home page.


  • Sunita Barve

    Sunita Barve - 2021-06-09

    My php version is 7.4

    After configuring successfully when I click on any option under Configure it gives this error.

    How can I send attachment. When I click on Add attachments it does nothing.

  • Sunita Barve

    Sunita Barve - 2021-06-09

    I could do that now.


    Pl. find screenshot.

    • Stéphane Aulery

      Ok, IMHO your config.php file contains a non quoted string.

      Please copy paste here the entire line of WIKINDX_URL_BASE of your config.php file.

  • Sunita Barve

    Sunita Barve - 2021-06-09

    public $WIKINDX_URL_BASE = "";

    • Stéphane Aulery

      It's something in your config.php file. Please send me it in private message to

      • Stéphane Aulery

        Solution : strings in the config.php file were not quoted following the PHP syntax.


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