
Edit WIKINDX Resources (Keyword)

Frank A
  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-03

    After merging the merged keyword still shows up in the list for selecting merges, but has been removed from resources?

    To clarify:

    I merged "Beginner" to "Beginners"
    In search Beginner no longer appears, but if I go to Edit or Merge Keyword, Beginner still shows. With Edir Keyword, if I select Beginner it comes up blank.

    So, I assume that Keywords are stored in a separate file and that when you perform a merge that all instances on resource records are changed but the record on keyword file remains?

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-03

    Hi Frank,

    Created a bug report for this:

    but it's now fixed and in SVN for v4.1.2.

    Many database fields with potentially long lists of entries (keywords, creators etc.) are cached in the database. The problem here was that the cache was not being cleared (ready for re-creation) after merging.



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