
Mail configuration

Frank A
  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-06

    Just discovered that registration mails are not being sent.
    php configuration on server has: sendmail_path /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
    and in config.php I have
    I tried with print errors to screen but saw nothing related? So not sure where to look.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-06

    Hi Frank,

    Mail settings are the bane of my life because all those different mail servers (sending and receiving) are set up in so many different ways requiring so many different configuration settings.

    I don't think this is right -- you need a valid address:
    (From config.php:
    // If $WIKINDX_MAIL_FROM is FALSE, the WIKINDX title will be used for email in the 'From: ' field. However, some email hosts will not
    // accept email without a valid email address in $WIKINDX_MAIL_FROM.)

    On the wikindx test drive, I have that set to ''

    What's $WIKINDX_MAIL_REPLYTO set to and have you tried setting something there (some receiving servers insist on a valid address there)?


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-06

    . . . and, on the test drive server, sendmail is (actually qmail):
    /var/qmail/bin/sendmail -t -i

    . . .the same setting as you.

    So, the only settings different to yours is my $WIKINDX_MAIL_FROM setting.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-06

    . . . and, unfortunately, PHP's mail() function (which you're using rather than PEAR), only gives TRUE or FALSE and FALSE only if there is a fault in the PHP code or formatting of the message. If that's fine, sendmail will send but the receiving mail host may reject it and you will never know without looking at your mail server logs.


  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-06

    OK, just me being a simpleton...
    Thank you for the clarification Mark, I had assumed that the email address I had set in the front end configuration would be the one it used.

    So I changed in config.php



     public $WIKINDX_MAIL_FROM = '';

    with a real email address and it works :)


    Last edit: Frank A 2013-02-06
  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-06

    p.s. Got 2 copies of both mails sent to the registrator and also of the mail sent to the admin on registration.

    • Mark Grimshaw

      Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-06

      . . .possibly because the original emails have been bouncing around in cyberspace?

      I've just registered and received one email with registration instructions then, after following those, another email confirming my status as user.

      Presumably you received just one from me.

      Glad it's working.

      You may delete me. . .


  • Fabrizio Tallarita

    Hello everyone.

    I know that sometimes, some public webservers haven't active PHPmail, sendmail or something like that. So, my personal opinion is: able WIKINDX to configure an external SMTP server, different of the server hosted. It will leave all problems about any webserver configurations.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-07

    Hi Fabrizio,

    That's one of the purposes of providing PEAR::SMTP in config.php. However, PEAR needs to be installed on the server separately to Wikindx and standard PHP.



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