
Endnote Field mapping

  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2016-01-10

    Hi Mark,
    As I get further into this big reference set it raises more questions about how to import data into wikindx?

    1. How do I check which fileds are currently mapped from Endnote to Wikindx?
    2. I am intereted in mapping Place(of publication), Institution, Publisher and Department. I can see Publisher gets mapped OK. I need a custom filed for Department but how do I map Institution and Place into Wikindx?

    In Endnotes Export template the labels for the fields can be changed within the Endnote set which gives some control.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2016-01-11

    Hi Roger,

    Which type of reference are you talking about here?


  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2016-01-11

    Hi Mark
    This reference set is all technical reports.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2016-01-11

    Hi Roger,

    Look at plugins/importexportbib/ENDOTEMAP.php

    That controls the mapping of endnote fields to wikindx fields and you'll see an array for resource type report. Within the resource type array are several arrays usually relating to the database tables and, within these arrays, on the left is the wikindx field and on the right is the Endnote field. Publishers and collections are handled a little differently -- there are no resource_publisher and resource_collection database tables ad the references to these are stored in the resource_misc table.

    The master mapping of resources within wikindx is described in core/resources/RESOURCEMAP.php. If you look at the report array there, you will see that the intention is that the publisher name and location fields in the publisher database actually refer to the institution name and location and there is no field for any other type of publisher. The intention here, then, was that 'report' referred to a university/research institute report.

    My suggestion is that you export from endnote the institution details to the publisher name and location fields ('Publisher' and 'Place published') and export any other publisher to a custom field. The other possibility, if available in Endnote, would be to append the other details you want to the institution details.

    Given the number of bibliographic formats that wikindx attempts to deal with and given the fact that some of these formats allow non-standard use, it's frankly impossible to provide the perfect import/export solution for all users in all situations. I've tried to account for different requirements with the custom fields. What I've yet to do with the custom fields is integrate them into the bibliographic styles so that they can be set to display -- something I will do with v5.



  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2016-11-06

    Hi Mark,
    I have recently running tests as I need to import ~1000 citations for Patents into Wikindx. This is going OK with the exception of one field Affiliation.

    The field mapping is as shown below:

    Patent data Endnote Wikindx
    Title Title Title
    Inventor Inventor Inventor
    Application No. Application No Application No.
    Application date Year,Date Year,Month and Day
    Granted date Custom 7 Custom 7
    Patent No Patent No Patent No
    Affiliation Assignee Blank in edit screen/Present in display screen/Can be searched
    Patent Officer Attorney Attorney

    The Affiliation is passed to Endnoteand becomes Assignee which when it is transferred into Wikindx via the xml import becomes Publisher. In the edit resource screen in Wikindx the publisher field is blank but you can display the publisher in the display screen and it can be searched for. This struck me as being a little odd.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2016-11-07

    I will look into it Roger. BTW -- regarding my remark about custom fields above, they are no integrated into bibliographic styles in v5.



  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2016-12-04

    Hi Mark,
    Any progress? let me know if you need any more informaton.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2016-12-05

    Hi Roger,

    I will do this for plugins for v5. As I don't have endnote, it would be useful if you could attach an Endnote XML file with an example of the problem.



  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2017-01-07

    Hi Mark,
    Here is the xml file. Sorry for the delay. When will v5 be ready? Do you need help testing with imports/exports etc.?



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2017-01-07

    Thanks Roger,

    I'll look over the next few days and will let you know if I need help.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2017-01-12

    Hi Roger,

    Just had a look at the XML file. Regarding your mapping below, I can't find assignee mentioned at all.

    Patent data Endnote Wikindx
    Title Title Title
    Inventor Inventor Inventor
    Application No. Application No Application No.
    Application date Year,Date Year,Month and Day
    Granted date Custom 7 Custom 7
    Patent No Patent No Patent No
    Affiliation Assignee Blank in edit screen/Present in display screen/Can be searched
    Patent Officer Attorney Attorney

    Is there something missing?




    Last edit: Mark Grimshaw 2017-01-12
  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2017-01-16

    Hi Mark,
    What is labelled as Assignee in Endote is exported as Publisher in the XML. There is only one in the file EMI Ltd, but it appears a few times.

    If you import the file you will see EMI Ltd as Publisher but if you go to edit the record it will not be present.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2017-01-17

    Thanks Roger,


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2017-01-20

    Hi Roger,

    I don't seem to have a problem unless I misunderstand your issue. See the screenshot below.

    I am using the beta v5 wikindx code so perhaps, somewhere along the line of code development, this has been fixed. I believe you are using v4. There are two things you could try:

    1. Download the SVN version of the v5 code from this site and test the XML file with that. Do NOT use this code for a production server as it is not yet finished (it is quite stable and functional but future developments may require the database to be updated and this will confuse matters).
    2. Backup your existing plugins/importexportbib/ENDNOTEMAP.php file and then replace it with the one attached here. It may be that, in the last few years, I did something to that file that fixed the problem and it may be that this new file is still compatible with v4 wikindx.

    let me know how it goes please.




    Last edit: Mark Grimshaw 2017-01-20
  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2017-01-21

    I have not tried V5 but I guess if it works for you it will probably work for me. I will do this when I can and report back.

    I did replace the ENDNOTEMAP.php and got the same result which I captured in some screenshots for you see attached.

    It seems that the Publisher/Assignee is being correctly uploaded but not displayed in the EDIT window. I had a look at the database and can confirm that this is the case as I can see that the publisher is correct in the WKX_resource_misc. If I trace the record reference it takes me back to EMI Ltd. I am therefore happy that it is being uploaded corrrectly. I discovered a further clue as to what might be going on, if I click on the down arrow under Publisher their is only one entry which is IET:London and there are many in the publisher table of the database. I noticed when revieiwing WKX_publiser that this entry had no publisherType associated with it when all others were set to book. So I set it to book and now the Publisher box is not being displayed on the edit screen. I can also confirm that for other reference types teh Publisher drop down list is correctly populated.

    Given this understanding I will upload the patents and we can reolve the Edit display as we go.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2017-01-25

    Hi Roger,

    In v4. when editing/adding resources of various types, only publishers associated with those resource types would be displayed in the box. This probably explains the anomalies you see. In v5., all publishers are displayed -- importing your XML, I can see EMI Ltd. now listed.

    I'm going to assume that this has been fixed in v5.




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