
Can't get past login page

Osp Viggos
  • Osp Viggos

    Osp Viggos - 2014-08-28


    I can't get past the login page of Wikindx4. I do have the correct login details. Read-only access doesn't work either. No error messages when I type in my login details or click read-only access hyperlink, I am just stuck on login page.

    I installed Wikindx4 2 days ago onto my website (files extracted in Windows, then fpt-ed to web). I followed the instructions, made it to the basic perimeters page, filled it out and submitted it. It took me to the login page and I can't get any further.

    Cookies are allowed in my browser (Chrome), also tried to log in through Explorer, same problem. I changed the cookie from N to Y in the Table: WKX_users as someone did in a discussion thread here (an 8 year old thread!), no results. My ISP's support says no problems on their side.

    The only odd thing happened when I submitted the basic perimeters and the login page came up: There was one error message:
    Notice: Undefined property: CONFIG::$WIKINDX_DENY_READONLY in /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage22/tu/es/da/ on line 290
    I wasn't going to have a read-only access, and ticked the no-box on the perimeters page but this message made me comment out the read-only if-sentence in AUTHORIZE.php so read-only is enabled. I can't see how this could be related to my problem, though.

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Osp Viggos

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2014-08-29

    Hi Osp,

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble.

    In AUTHORIZE.php, at line 280, could you remove the comment you added and add the following please and let me know if it works:




  • Osp Viggos

    Osp Viggos - 2014-08-29


    Thanks for the instructions, Mark. I've done this. I now get no error messages on the login page but the read-only access is still visible and I still can't get past the login!



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2014-08-29

    Hi Osp,

    When you say you can't get past the log in, does it look like the page is trying to load but it just returns to the login prompt?

    It's difficult to debug from a distance and I can't duplicate this. I deleted my test database and let wikindx create new tables and then on the configuration screen, after adding username/password and email, I checked 'Deny read only access' and submitted. This returned me to the configuration screen. I then logged out and was given the log-in prompt with no 'read-only access' hyperlink available. I was able to login with the username/password I had just supplied.

    I repeated all this without the new lines:

    in AUTHORIZE.php. Again, everything worked.

    If everything I did is as you did it, then the only difference I can see is that I'm using the very latest SVN code which is labelled 4.2.2. I have two suggestions:

    1. Remove the extra lines I asked you add -- I don't think they're needed in any case -- drop all tables in the database and run wikindx again doing what I did above.

    if this still doesn't work:

    1. Get the latest SVN code (4.2.2) from sourceforge. Go to and click on 'Download snapshot'. Install the files, edit config.php. Drop database tables and try again.




    Last edit: Mark Grimshaw 2014-08-29
  • Osp Viggos

    Osp Viggos - 2014-08-29

    The login page was reloading every time.

    I deleted the database tables as you suggested and removed the new read-only lines. Did the configure page again and it worked! I am now a happy user of Wikindex.

    Still don't have a clue what was going on earlier...

    Many thanks for your help.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2014-08-30

    Glad it's all working Osp. I'll see if I can figure out if there is code that might force the login page into a loop but, in the meantime, enjoy wikindx.



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