
Importing Full date into Wikindx4

  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2015-12-11

    I am trying to import the index of some old reports into Wikindx 4 but I am having difficulty importing the full description. The main problem is the full date but having this is important. I note the full date can be entered in the editor within Wikindx4 and is stored in teh database. I can import the year but not the month and day. I have four questions:
    1. Is there a way to import the date year/month/day?
    2. Can I import RIS directly?
    3. Can I write a filter that would import the date?
    4. If all esle fails can I import directly to the database? This seems like the wrong approach given that considerable work has been done on the Import/Export plugins already.

    Some example files are given below and the wikindx4 URL is <> In this case I only imported the year. So teh xml tag would have been year and not date. If I use date nothing is imported.

    Any help much appreciated


    The index is currently in word but is well structured and I have copies of it in Excel, Endnote and Reference Manager. Here is a RIS file as an example:
    TY - RPRT
    T1 - Use of SCR 584 in 2nd Tactical Air Force
    A1 - Gray,R.E.
    VL - TRE Group Memo G1/181/REG
    Y1 - 1945/02/08
    RP - IN FILE
    U1 - AVIA 26/1132
    ER -

    I can get everything to import into Wikindxby by passing it through Endnote to produce the following xml apart from the date:

    -<xml> -<records> -<record> <database path="C:\Users\Roger\Documents\History Club\Reports\MRATHS-Saved.enl" name="MRATHS-Saved.enl">MRATHS-Saved.enl</database> <source-app name="EndNote" version="17.4">EndNote</source-app> <rec-number>419</rec-number> -<foreign-keys> <key db-id="s50wfeefmdd2t2exre4x25au0x9psxfzzz0v" app="EN">419</key> </foreign-keys> <ref-type name="Report">27</ref-type> -<contributors> -<authors> -<author> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">Gray, R. E.</style> </author> </authors> </contributors> -<titles> - <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">Use of SCR 584 in 2nd Tactical Air Force</style> </titles> -<edition> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">IN FILE</style> </edition> -<dates> -<pub-dates> -<date> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">1945/02/08</style> </date> </pub-dates> </dates> -<isbn> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">TRE Group Memo G1/181/REG</style> </isbn> <urls/> -<electronic-resource-num> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">AVIA 26/1132</style> </electronic-resource-num> </record> </records> </xml>
  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2015-12-12

    Hi Roger,

    Does this only happen with reports or also with newspapers, proceedings etc?

    I'll have a look over the next few days.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2015-12-12

    BTW - importing the XML above did not import the year.

  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2015-12-12

    Yes I realised that the xml above would not import the year but if I export year from Endnote instead of date that works fine. I will run a test with newspaper which I will generate in Endnote and then try to import.

    I will report results here later.


  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2015-12-12

    Hi Mark,
    I tested with Newspaper generating a new article in Endnote and then exporting to xml and only the year is transferred as for report. I tried a second time revescing the date but it made no difference still no month and day.

    Here is the xml:

    -<xml> -<records> -<record> <database path="C:\Users\Roger\Documents\History Club\Reports\MRATHS-Saved.enl" name="MRATHS-Saved.enl">MRATHS-Saved.enl</database> <source-app name="EndNote" version="17.4">EndNote</source-app> <rec-number>537</rec-number> -<foreign-keys> <key db-id="s50wfeefmdd2t2exre4x25au0x9psxfzzz0v" app="EN">537</key> </foreign-keys> <ref-type name="Newspaper Article">23</ref-type> -<contributors> -<authors> -<author> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">Fred Bloggs</style> </author> </authors> </contributors> -<titles> - <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">Wikindx is great</style> -<secondary-title> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">Times</style> </secondary-title> </titles> -<dates> -<year> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">2015</style> </year> -<pub-dates> -<date> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">12/12/2015</style> </date> </pub-dates> </dates> -<pub-location> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">London</style> </pub-location> <urls/> -<access-date> <style size="100%" font="default" face="normal">12/12/2015</style> </access-date> </record> </records> </xml>

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly on this I appreciate it. If there is anything else I can help with just let me know.

    I am using Endnote X7. You can see the imports on the wikindx site.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2015-12-13

    Thanks Roger,

    I will try to have a look over it in the next few days.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2015-12-15

    Quick question Roger,

    Is that US or UK date format? i.e. mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy? That's the newspaper one.

    I note the report one has a different format. The lack of consistency will make things difficult. However, is the report yyyy/mm/dd or yyyy/dd/mm?


    • Roger Appleby

      Roger Appleby - 2015-12-15

      Hi Mark,
      I guess the key question is what date format does Endnote use as this is what generates the xml. Having just checked it seems to accept either. The manual also says that it does not reformat dates but just reproduces them.

      For the Newspaper article I tried two things dd/mm/yyyyy but just in case you were using yyyy/mm/dd I tried this the second time.

      I had not noticed that the reports are yyyy/mm/dd but this can easily be changed to dd/mm/yyyy as I am generating the RIS file in visual basic which I import into Endnote.

      It probably makes little difference to me but I suggest we go for dd/mm/yyyy. If you have a different preference then go with that and I can almost certainly adapt to that.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2015-12-15

    Thanks Roger,

    We'll go for dd/mm/yyyy and I'll put this into the help so that users are clear about it. I'll also state that a separate <year> field (with a year) overwrites the year in the <date> field if it happens to be different.

    Hopefully something in a few days.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2015-12-20

    Hi Roger,

    This should be fixed now. NB, the date field year overrides the year field (regardless of what I suggested above). It should be clever enough to figure out if it is yyyy/xx/xx or xx/xx/yyyy. It assumes the format then is either yyyy/mm/dd or dd/mm/yyyy but, if mm is greater than 12, it will switch dd and mm fields.It does actually accept month names (English) or the 3-letter versions.

    Place the three attached files in the plugins/importexportbib/ folder replacing the two that are there.




    Last edit: Mark Grimshaw 2015-12-20
  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2015-12-21

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for the new files which I have uploaded.
    I tested with the two newspaper xml files that have th edate forward and reversed. Unfortunately neither imported the date from the date tag only the year from the year tag. I changed the year to be different to the date so i could seee what was happening. So to be clear none of day,month,year were imported from teh date tag. Did you manage to import the newspaper xml file above successfully including the full date?

    Whilst uploading the files I noticed the ENDNOTEMAP.php and can see that it does not map the full date. I was wondering if we need to update that file also?



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2015-12-21

    Hi Roger,

    No need to update ENDNOTEMAP. I've just tried again and it all works. Attached is the file I tried which is taken from yours. Could you try it please and let me know if it works.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2015-12-21

    BTW. Depending on the bibliographic style being used, you will not see the full date details in the list view. You should see them when viewing the single resource and clicking on 'View all bibliographic details' or when editing the resource.



    Last edit: Mark Grimshaw 2015-12-21
  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2015-12-21

    Hi Mark,
    I checked your file and it works fine. I compared the Newspaper and Reports xml files and in the Dates part of the file they are identical so I can only conclude that Wikindx now imports full dates for reports but not for newspapers.

    I also imported the first batch of reports and it worked fine with all dates imported. This is excellent news and thnk you very much for enabling this.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2015-12-21

    I'll look into the newspaper article Roger.


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2015-12-22

    This should be it Roger. Place the attached files in the plugins/importexportbib/ folder. I've also refined the date parsing so it will now handle dates in the format 'February 31' or '31 February' while accepting the year that is in the year field.



  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2016-01-06

    Thnaks for this it is very much appreciated. I will test theses new files shortly.

    I have just started working on this again afte rthe Christmas break and having got the date sorted I am left trying to figure out the best way to import two custom fields. Its probably best to start a seperate thread on this now and I will do that now.



  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2016-01-06

    I can confirm that this works for both Reports and newspapers now.



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