
User actions

Frank A
  • Frank A

    Frank A - 2013-02-15

    I adjusted in admin to allow users to "Registered users can globally edit creators, collections, publishers and keywords"

    But on trying a user can only add keywords to quote, not the main keywords. And if they only add a keyword without typing in text on quote it fails. ven though Keyword is 'public' it does ot show up in browse by keywords?

    What seems to be 'right' to me is that a user can alter anything except a title.... if they add keywords they must be added to mainstream of keywords... or is my thinking awry?

    How I am thinking is that: one user adds a resource and other registered users add comments, expand abstract and add keywords.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-02-15

    Hi Frank,

    There are two settings in the Admin menu that are of relevance here:
    1. Registered users can globally edit creators, collections, publishers and keywords
    2. Only admins and the resource originator can edit the resource.

    For 1., the operative word is 'globally'. If checked, registered users can do such editing from the Resource menu.

    If option 2., is checked, then, while a registered user can add a quote and quote keywords to a resource, they cannot edit that resource or the resource keywords unless they were the originator of that resource. I suspect you have this checked in your configuration.

    Without having an unmanageable user hierarchy or management of editable fields, these two options seem to me to give enough flexibility for the majority of cases.




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