
Custom Taxonomies in Wikindx

  • Hugh

    Hugh - 2020-07-18

    Is there a built-in way to add custom taxonomies (open vocabularies or controlled vocabularies) which can be linked to citation item object in wikindx... for instance if I wanted to have a taxonomy of Library of congress subject headings related to the content, and if I also wanted to also have my own set of keywords, both linked to the same citation (which would be different than linking to the same object – such as a PDF).

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-07-18

    Hi Hugh,

    'Citation item object'? Do you mean a resource giving the reference inc. title, author, date etc.? If so, all resources can be a member of a category (or more) and subcategories – created from the Admin menu. Additionally, you can add keywords (created when adding/editing a resource) and custom fields (Admin menu).

    As categories, subcategories, and custom fields are defined by the admin, they are a closed vocabulary. Keywords are open to whoever creates the resource.

    All these can be browsed from the Search menu.

    Quick search will automatically search on: title; note; abstract; quote; quote comment; paraphrase; paraphrase comment; musing; creator surname; resource keyword; user tag; and any custom fields

    Advanced search will search specifically on these and other fields chosen by you.

    Hopefully, that is the answer you're looking for. If not, let me know.



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