
Install - stat failed for tplcompilation

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  • Klaus D Goepel

    Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-04

    Trying to install I'm getting the warning "fileperms(): stat failed for
    tplcompilation in .../ENVIRONMENT.php on line 601."
    File permission is set to 777 for all directories and files. Then:
    "The following, shown with their current permissions, should be made
    writeable by the web server user:
    tplcompilation: 0"
    $WIKINDX_BASE_URL and $WIKINDX_WIKINDX_PATH are set to the correct path.
    Don't know, what to do.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-05

    Hi Klaus,

    Sorry to hear you are having issues with the install. I assume this is for version 5.7.2.

    What is your OS?

    Do you have the tplcompilation folder (at the same level as templates/, languages/ etc.)? If so, is it writeable?



    • Klaus D Goepel

      Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-05

      Hi Mark,
      using Linux under my Synology NAS. No, the tplcompilation folder was not there.
      Thanks Mark!

      • Mark Grimshaw

        Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-05

        I assume the fix worked but can you confirm?


        • Klaus D Goepel

          Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-05

          Yes, but now I get "Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci". I have MariaDB 5.5.62 on port 3306 and MariaDB 10 on port 3307 running. Probably the connection is to MariaDB 5

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-05

    . . . I have just noticed there is no tplcompilation/ folder in the 5.7.2 release. I'll release a quick fix 5.7.3 release today but you should be able to fix this issue by creating the tplcompilation/ folder at the top level and setting permissions.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-05

    Hi Klaus,

    From the README_FIRST.txt file:

    WIKINDX Requirements (and has been tested on):

    • PHP >= v5.6.x and <= 7.3.x
    • MySQL >= v5.7.5 or MariaDB >= 10.2 (mysqli driver)
    • Apache >= 2.x or nginx >= 1.11 (or any web Server able to run PHP scripts).
      You will need to connect to the Maria 10 server by setting something like:
      public $WIKINDX_DB_HOST = "localhost:3307";
      in config.php



    • Klaus D Goepel

      Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-05

      Yes Mark, it's working now. Thank you so much.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-05

    Perfect. Glad to help and thanks for alerting us to the missing folder issue.


    • Klaus D Goepel

      Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-07

      Hi Mark,
      started filling the database. Seems, there is a problem with the paging.

      1. Get an error message: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 20, 20' at line 1". (When trying to display the second part of the list > 20). I use version 10.3.11-MariaDB.

      2. Using the system, I also got a message that folder "templates_c" is missing. I created it and it was ok, but the folder stays empty. It happens when adding a new resouce title and selecting the resource type. Message: "PHP ERROR: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::construct(/volume1/web/wikindx5/templates_c/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory"



      Last edit: Klaus D Goepel 2019-06-07
      • Stéphane Aulery

        Hi Klaus,

        The second error is odd. It seems The defaulc compilation cache of Smarty is accessed before its setup. Have you a trace of the call stack? In what file is called RecursiveDirectoryIterator? Whats your OS?


  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-07

    Hi Klaus,

    Sorry to hear you are still having problems.

    Re the template, replace core/display/Smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php with the attached.

    Re the SQL problem, could you enable SQL printing in the Admin|Configure|Debugging interface and post the offending SQL statement here please?

    What type of list operation was it you were trying to do?




    Last edit: Mark Grimshaw 2019-06-07
    • Klaus D Goepel

      Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-07

      Hi Mark,
      no problem, it looks like the package still needs some debugging. I have a free online SW running on my server and know how it is ;)

      SQL error - I get:
      1. Warning: fopen(styles/CACHE/APA): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /volume1/web/wikindx5/core/bibcitation/PARSEXML.php on line 138
      2. [query] LIMIT 20, 20
      3. Fatal error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 20, 20' at line 1 in /volume1/web/wikindx5/core/sql/SQL.php on line 2839
      on a white screen.

      get parameter: ?action=list_LISTRESOURCES_CORE&method=processGeneral&list_Order=creator&PagingStart=20

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-07

    Hi Klaus,

    1. When you set permissions on various folders, did you set them so that subdirectories and files within them would also be writeable? It looks like CACHE/ is not writeable.
    2. Just a check: this is the correct MariaDB you are connecting to?

    The SQL statement should be:

    SELECT resourceId, creatorSurname, resourceType, resourceTitle, resourceSubtitle, resourceShortTitle, resourceTransTitle, resourceTransSubtitle, resourceTransShortTitle, resourceField1, resourceField2, resourceField3, resourceField4, resourceField5, resourceField6, resourceField7, resourceField8, resourceField9, resourceNoSort, resourceTransNoSort, resourceIsbn, resourceBibtexKey, resourceDoi, resourcetextId, resourcetextNote, resourcetextAbstract, resourcetextUrls, resourcetextUrlText, resourcetextEditUserIdNote, resourcetextAddUserIdNote, resourcetextEditUserIdAbstract, resourcetextAddUserIdAbstract, resourceyearId, resourceyearYear1, resourceyearYear2, resourceyearYear3, resourceyearYear4, resourcepageId, resourcepagePageStart, resourcepagePageEND, resourcesummaryId, resourcesummaryQuotes, resourcesummaryParaphrases, resourcesummaryMusings, resourcetimestampId, resourcetimestampTimestamp, resourcetimestampTimestampAdd, publisherId, publisherName, publisherLocation, publisherType, collectionId, collectionTitle, collectionTitleShort, collectionType, usersId, usersUsername, usersFullname, resourcemiscId, resourcemiscCollection, resourcemiscPublisher, resourcemiscField1, resourcemiscField2, resourcemiscField3, resourcemiscField4, resourcemiscField5, resourcemiscField6, resourcemiscTag, resourcemiscAddUserIdResource, resourcemiscEditUserIdResource, resourcemiscAccesses, resourcemiscMaturityIndex, resourcemiscPeerReviewed, resourcemiscQuarantine, resourcemiscAccessesPeriod, resourcecreatorCreatorSurname FROM wkx_resource LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_resource_misc ON resourcemiscId = resourceId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_resource_creator ON resourcecreatorResourceId = resourceId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_creator ON creatorId = resourcecreatorCreatorId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_resource_timestamp ON resourcetimestampId = resourceId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_resource_year ON resourceyearId = resourceId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_resource_text ON resourcetextId = resourceId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_resource_page ON resourcepageId = resourceId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_resource_summary ON resourcesummaryId = resourceId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_resource_metadata ON resourcemetadataResourceId = resourceId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_publisher ON resourcemiscPublisher = publisherId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_collection ON resourcemiscCollection = collectionId LEFT OUTER JOIN wkx_users ON usersId = CASE WHEN (resourcemiscEditUserIdResource IS NOT NULL) THEN (resourcemiscEditUserIdResource) ELSE (resourcemiscAddUserIdResource) END GROUP BY resourceId ORDER BY resourcecreatorCreatorSurname ASC, resourceTitleSort ASC, REPLACE( REPLACE(CASE WHEN ((resourceType = 'book' OR resourceType = 'book_chapter' OR resourceType = 'book_article') AND resourceyearYear2 IS NOT NULL ) THEN resourceyearYear2 WHEN ((resourceType = 'proceedings' OR resourceType = 'proceedings_article') AND resourceyearYear1 IS NULL ) THEN resourceyearYear2 WHEN ((resourceType = 'conference_paper' OR resourceType = 'conference_poster')) THEN resourceyearYear2 WHEN ((resourceType = 'web_encyclopedia' OR resourceType = 'web_encyclopedia_article') AND resourceyearYear3 IS NOT NULL ) THEN resourceyearYear3 ELSE (resourceyearYear1) END, '{', ''), '}', '') ASC LIMIT 20, 20

    If you have access to the DB server, could you try inputting that directly?


    Last edit: Mark Grimshaw 2019-06-07
    • Klaus D Goepel

      Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-07

      the sql statement works in the db.
      all permissions are 755 for http, but where should the /cache folder be? under core?

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-07

    CACHE/ is under the top-level styles/ folder

    Additionally, the following should be writeable too (inc. subdirectories):

    then the index.php files of the various plugins you might have downloaded.

    I'll ask my colleague to look into the DB issue.



  • Klaus D Goepel

    Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-07

    yes, all folders are writable, but I don't find any CACHE or cache folder in my installation!
    UNder /styles is only the folder bibliography.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-07

    Now I think I know what the problem is. In the last few releases we started used BZ2 compression instead of ZIP and it appears BZ2 does not compress (and so include in the archive) empty folders. We will fix this in a release shortly.

    Meanwhile, you can add the CACHE/ folder under styles/



    • Klaus D Goepel

      Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-07

      ok, I have added already. The SQL paging error is still there. Might be, some other empty folders are missing too? Do you have a tree picture of the folders, so that I can check.
      Thanks so far Mark!

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-07

    There shouldn't be any other empty folders. The other folders I listed above either have already populated folders and files (e.g. languages/ and templates/) or are folders awaiting population (such as attachments/ and attachments_cache) and so have a simple text file to ensure they are zipped up.

    I've emailed my wikindx colleague Stéphane to look at the SQL issue.

    Regards and thanks for your patience,


    • Klaus D Goepel

      Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-08

      Hi Mark,

      1. additional info: the SQL syntax error for paging does not appear when browsing keywords (>100).
      2. When I do "Quick list all", "Year desc.", the error disappears , when in "Preferences" the "replace the numerical paging links with an alphabetical list" is set.
      3. I often get a popup message "PHP ERROR: PHP Startup: No such handler: DBA_DEFAULT", when inputting a new resource and selecting the resource type. No other PHP errors or warnings are shown in debug mode.

      Regards, Klaus


      Last edit: Klaus D Goepel 2019-06-11
  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-11

    Thanks for this extra info Klaus.

    2.. is clearly because there is no LIMIT clause used when listing by alphabetical list.

    We'll continue looking into this issue and will get back when there is something to report.




    Last edit: Mark Grimshaw 2019-06-11
    • Klaus D Goepel

      Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-11

      But the "Year desc. list is by numbers: (1-20), (21-40) etc. , it is not an alphabetic list. It should not depend on selecting alphanumerical paging for creators names.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2019-06-11

    Just to be clear, so I can test, the error occurs when doing 'Quick list all' and ordering by creator but disappears when doing 'Quick list all' and ordering by year?



    • Klaus D Goepel

      Klaus D Goepel - 2019-06-11

      The error occurs when doing 'Quick list all' by creator and also 'Quick list all' by year. For 'Quick list all' by year the error disappears, when I set ' replace the numerical paging links with an alphabetical list' in the preferences (although by year is never an alphabetic list).

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