
How to make the title/sub-title more prominent in the resource row text?

  • Nap

    Nap - 2020-08-13

    I'm finding it hard to visually parse the Title/SubTitle of my resources and would like to make them either bold or even a larger font size. Is this possible? If so, how can it be done? Templates?
    I'm looking at the BIBFORMAT.php::map() function which constructs the resource row text. There is a reference to $this->styleMap->$type and later $this->type in the comments but unfortunately it doesn't mean much to me at the moment.

    • Stéphane Aulery

      Font sizes are controlled by CSS rules of the current template. If you have specific needs, it's better to create your own template.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-08-13

    Hi Nap,

    I don't think it is possible to increase the font size othr than generally in the template. Formatting is down to the style files (APA, Chicago, IEE etc.) and here you can make bold, italicized, or underlined any element of the resource, including the title, for each type of resource. Edit or create the style you want with the style plugin and use BBCode ([b] ... [/b], [i] ... [/i], [u] ... [/u]) around the element you wish to change.



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-08-13

    . . . styles are complex to encode and typically need to be done for each type of resource . . .

    • Nap

      Nap - 2020-08-13

      Tedious but intuitive, and worth the effort.
      Having all the titles in bold makes parsing the rows much easier.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-08-13

    . . . Glad it worked Nap. With power and flexibility comes complexity. I should have mentioned that you should have started new style file or copied a style file to a new style then edited it. If, for example, you edited, without copying, the IEEE style for your purposes, then this will be overwritten by the SVN version at the next update. I'm sure you did it correctly anyway . . .




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