
Another Bug with Endnote Import/Export?

  • Geoemyda

    Geoemyda - 2013-12-08

    I have noticed, that when I use the import/export plugin to export resources to endnote xml the first names or initials of the creators are lost (I am not sure if this happens with all resources, but this one repeatedly shows the behaviour)

    This does not happen, if I use the bibtex export.

    The bibtex-export looks like this:

         author = {Surname1, I1. and Surname2, I2. I3.},
         title = {Title},
         volume = {1},
         number = {1},
         year = {2013},
         journal = {Journal},
         pages = {1--10},
         abstract = {Abstract}

    The endnote-export does not contain the initials:

     <source-app name="EndNote" version="8.0">EndNote</source-app>
     <ref-type name="Journal Article">8</ref-type>
  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2013-12-08

    I'll try to have a look over Christmas.


  • Geoemyda

    Geoemyda - 2014-01-05

    And I have to add one more: Bibtex import does not work, when keywords, abstract or other fields contain the symbol "=". The import routine thinks, that every "=" is a "key = value" code. It can be escaped ("\="), but this escape is not removed after the import.

    Can you give an estimate when either the bibtex-import or the endnote export will be fixed? I would like to know whether it makes sense to invest time in a work-around.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2014-01-05

    Hi Geoemyda,

    Both these issues should now be fixed. There is a new importexportbib plugin to download and, in the latest SVN, '=' can be added to field values if escaped (the slash is now removed at import).



  • Geoemyda

    Geoemyda - 2014-01-08

    Thank you! I am using the importexport plugin and found no further errors.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2014-01-09

    Thanks for letting me know Geoemyda,



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