
Wikepage 2007.2 Opus 13 Landauer-Büttiker is released!

Nearly 4 months passed over since the Opus 12 was released. After Opus 12, wikepage is changed a lot. Thanks will go to Mr. Tim Davis. As you remember he is the owner of outlink. You can find many modules at that site written for wikepage. Ok.. In opus 13, he optimized the code, and add new features. There are other minor changes by me and others listed below:

* Major optimization of code all over the script, wikepage is nearly 2kb shrinked with this optimization. thanks Mr. Tim Davis
* < blog_archive > command is added for list view of blog entries, thanks Mr. Tim Davis
* Images for blog entry titles, thanks Mr. Tim Davis
* From now, RSS imports won't die under error, thanks Mr. Jose Carlos Medeiros
* Small corrections that make Wikepage more Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional are done, thanks Igor Rjabinin
* Google Edit pages problem is solved,
* In Admin page, new version warning and RSS import warning features are added.

Posted by Sefer Bora LISESIVDIN 2007-05-18

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