
Wiimote Whiteboard / News: Recent posts

Python version now works in Windows

Features from the python (.net) version:
touchpad mode,
customizable zones around the screen to trigger all of the above.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-05-01

Linux gtk interface is out!

I posted an update on the linux branch of the project (on CVS) with a GTK interface. Now it allows the user to switch from 'light=click' mode to touchpad mode and also to define areas on the sides of the screen for right-click, scrolling, etc.
I also made a quick webpage with the release in the tar.gz format. It's now on (I will probably move it to the wiiwhiteboard wiki soon)

Posted by Anonymous 2008-04-30

.NET Version updated to wiimotelib v1.2

The .net version of the whiteboard code has been updated to Brian Peek's latest version of the wiimotelib.

The primary difference between the version here and the standard wiimotelib v1.2 is ours supports all 4 points seen by the wiimote.

Changes tested on a MacBookPro running Windows XP with Apple's Bootcamp bluetooth stack.

Posted by nigel_ht 2008-01-09

Seeking: PC, Mac, and Linux devs

I currently have a request for Linux developers to help make a port. It's a very small program and could be done in a single day by a competent programmer.

A mac version is almost done, but a bit buggy. Some help getting that up to snuff would be greatly appreciated. Particularly, in reliably getting the Bluetooth pairing smooth. The current version is built on top of DarwiinRemote and seems to have some connectivity issues.... read more

Posted by Johnny Chung Lee 2007-12-19

Welcome to Wiimote Whiteboard

Hello everyone. My hope in creating this SourceForge archive is to pool and stimulate the open source community to porting and hardening of the popular Wiimote Whiteboard program. Since I don't necessarily have the skills and time to do this myself, this is my call for help and to give you a chance to give back, while simultaneously helping thousands of people just waiting to use the software.

I currently have a request for Linux developers to help make a port. It's a very small program and could be done in a single day by a competent programmer.... read more

Posted by Johnny Chung Lee 2007-12-18