
#62 MT940 tag 61 and tag 86 issue

61 (2) 86 (1)

In MT940 message, I have 3 elements of 61 tags and only 2 description tags (86) like below. When I parse this, I am not able to map the right description to the right 61 tag. Since both the tags are lists in the object, for ex: when I do GET on the first element from the tag 61 list data, I want to get the right description, but since the description is not present for the first tag element 61, when I retrieve the data from the list by the index, the 2nd description [first element in the tag 86 list], I am happening to use it for first element in tag 61 list. Please help to resolve this.

:61:.... some data......
:61:..... some data.......
:86:.... some desciption......
:61:.... some data....
:86:.... some desciption......


  • Miguel Griffa

    Miguel Griffa - 2016-05-03

    Could you please rephrase this in junit or java at least? :)
    when you refer to 'the list' is it the list of components of the field?
    I'll be glad yo help you but I need something that can be written in java without so much interpretation, and a brief: expected / actual behaviour

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-05-03

    When I parse it, here are the lists in java.

    List<Field61> field61List = mt940.getField61();
    List<Field86> descFields = mt940.getField86();

    I have now the below for loop to get the data of tag 61 and for each of element in tag 61, I need to assign the right description. In my case, if you look at the test data I sent, there are 3 values in field 61 list whereas only 2 values in field 86 list.

    if( field61List != null && field61List.size() > 0) {

  • Sebastian Zubrinic

    • status: open --> closed


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