
WhiteStarUML as a modeling tool to be used by a Company IT Department ?

  • Eric

    Eric - 2017-11-08

    Hello Janusz,

    As a consultant I need to recommand a tool to my client who needs to model its business and its IT. I envison to recommand WhiteStarUML. The client is the IT Department of a health insurance and pension provision Company (more than 2000 persons) with 600 persons dedicated to the IT.

    In this context I have two questions :
    1. Is this choice possible in terms of licence and support capacity ?
    2. Would an adequate remuneration (for any additional work needed) be a possible solution ?

    If WhiteStarUML is not adequate in this context do you know another full UML2 modelisation tool to be recommanded ?

    Thank you in advance for your answer.
    (I met you in Paris few years ago)

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    Hello Eric,

    In short WhiteStarUML is free to be used for any purpose but obviously with very limited manpower behind it. Hence it should not be trusted to provide serious support or development capacity. But it may happen that it already provides all required features.

    Considering other free UML applications I think that Papyrus is worth giving a try. It is around since 2013, has a substantial number of developers and serious fundings and is being updated quite regurarly. So it may be the right choice for using for commercial purposes.
    You may take a look at;

    It just happens to be quite heavy and the install version is over 700 MB. Anyway you could present to the client both programs and they may choose one that suits them better.

  • Eric

    Eric - 2017-11-11

    Thank you for your very useful advice. .

    I see that Papyrus targets academic and research purposes, and the industrial engineering as well. My client is in the world of health insurance and pension provision, and needs are quite different. They want something not too sophisticated. WhiteStarUML provides all required features and could be the good choice.

    I'll see. I'll probably follow your idea and present both programs. Thank you again.



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