
Function not available: Could not initialize GraphViz DLL library (Have you installed VC++ 2008 SP1 Redistribuable?)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-02-04


    always getting this error message when I try Layout diagram.. I also installed the required package but I still get the same error. Thanks

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    As required package you mean Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 redistribuable? It seems to be preinstalled on Win 7 and later systems anyway. Since build 5.7.1 you may see that problem on Windows XP without service packs as the GraphViz DLLs went to a separate dir and requires some special search option.

    Besides that I cannot say what the problem may be. Maybe you have some security setting preventing reading DLLs from the program dir. So try adding the GraphViz dir (\Program Files\WhiteStarUML\GraphViz) to the system path.

  • Robert Hartmann

    Robert Hartmann - 2018-12-20

    Using WhiteStarUml (32bit, Version I got the message "Function not available: Could not initialize GraphViz DLL library (Have you installed VC++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable?)"
    on Windows 8.1 (german, 64 bit) and on Windows 10 (german, 64 bit).

    Adding GraphViz dir to %PATH% environment variable solved the problem. Thanks



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