
What do you think about moving the project to GitHub?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-01-17

    Is something like this feasible? worth doing? GitHub supports both Git and SVN.

    I'm just a random developer wondering what the author of this project thinks,

    p.s. The reason I'm saying this is as a contributor to multiple projects I suspect that there might be more developers willing to contribute to this one as many developers nowadays are hosting their projects on GitHub and personally, I find GitHub more pleasant to work with than sourceforge.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2018-01-17
  • Janusz Szpilewski

    If you search GitHub you will find an already existing fork of this program. Not surprisingly it had not generated much interest neither from its initial forker nor other contributors.

    I think that the principal problem is that this project is not friendly to casual contributors and generally open source development model due to its overall complexity (roughly half of million of lines of code will all plugins) and the price tag of the development tools. The place where the project is hosted matters little here. Most of the time is spent coding while interacting with the source control is just the final and very short action.

    Probably the best idea to host outside would be some independent plugins that could be self contained and not depend on commercial development tools. Similar to the existing ERD plugin written in C#. A person interested in solving some specific problem could start one and I would help with integrating it with the main program.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-02-06

    I understand, thank you. :)

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    Btw, as this is an open source project (even being a fork itself) anyone can fork it anywhere, no need to ask any questions.



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