
Syntax documentation

  • Felix Ostertag

    Felix Ostertag - 2018-01-29

    I'm completely new to WhiteStarUML (or StarUML for that matter) and I'm right now struggeling with some syntax.
    I try to create an activity diagramm with a decision. I put the arguments on the arrows exiting the decision-diamond, that works kind of fine as long as I use EQUAL (==) and AND (&&). But I can't find the syntax for OR, NOT, NOT EQUAL or brackets ( () [] {} ). I always get an error like "Enter syntax correctly" followed by something like "closeSquareBracket" or "Read: !"
    I can't find anything in the documentation or online.

    As an example I try something like:

    [(GRA==1 && TSK!=0) && TSK(t+1)==1]

    P.S.: I don't try to generate code, it's just for some documentation

    Thanks for your help!

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    Take a look at the Properties Panel and make sure you are not mixing transition name with guard condition. The latter one can only be specified through Properties and its syntax is not validated.

  • Felix Ostertag

    Felix Ostertag - 2018-01-30

    You're my hero!
    Thanks a lot.
    I just did a double click on the arrow instead of checking the properties...



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