
Direct2D incredibly slow!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-04-03

    ...while the standard graphics are too old-looking!

    Is there any way to improve graphics look and performance?

    thanks for your work!

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    The performance of Direct2D directly depends on the size of the model and the graphics card in the computer. Generally in the case of models of moderate size it works fine. Nevertheless I saw some strange behaviour on a laptop with an older Nvidia Quadro card when all application became very slow, even when going through menus. So indeed, sometimes the performance may be unpredictible.

    It is still possible to have a snapshot of a diagram with antialiasing by printing it to PDF or XPS format.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-04-04

    In my case it was Win 7 that wanted to index the .uml files and made the diagram painting so slow that WhitestarUML became unusable. I resolved by unchecking the "Indexed" box in the .uml file property. I need to re-uncheck it once in a while. You may want to try this and see if it helps...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-04-21

    I don't think so... it's just the diagrams with "many" objects.

    I just created an activity diagram with more than 25 steps and scrolling it is a nightmare ....

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    Any hint about the graphics card being used? Direct2D is from Windows 7 era so it expects a card compatible with DirectX 11. Otherwise it may be emulated on CPU. I already saw some older Nvidia Quadro card falling short on Direct2D drawing.

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    Intel integrated graphics are quite new and handle DirectX 11 but never tested them personally.

  • Michal

    Michal - 2016-04-26

    You can try to disable option "Use Direct2D" in Tools->Options->Environment->General. Then restart programm.
    In my case (i3, Intel HD Graphics, Win7) that improves speed of diagram scrolling.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2021-12-09

      yesssss, it works fine - thx for this simple solution!!!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-04-26

    "...while the standard graphics are too old-looking!"

  • Michal

    Michal - 2016-04-26

    Look at functionality. Command line is old-looking too but is very functional :)
    WhiteStarUML is simply and configurable. This is why I stop using the commercial, big, with-graphical-efects, with-uresolved-errors "Enterprise Architect".

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-04-26

    I am sure we could use new libraries to make things better, if only I had time...

  • Sérgio Amorim

    Sérgio Amorim - 2016-10-26

    Hi. Can't the option to enable/disable Direct2D. Where it is?

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    The menu path to find Direct2D settings was already mentioned in this thread. If you still have problems make sure you are running WhiteStarUML 5.6 or later.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-10-28

    Thx Janusz. But I can't find it in the See attachment


    Last edit: Sérgio Amorim 2016-10-28
  • Janusz Szpilewski

    "Use Direct2D" settings should be visible below "Force decimal separator". Maybe the configuration file got corrupted. Try a clean reinstallation with deleting remaining files in the WhiteStarUML install directory and the registry key:

  • Sérgio Amorim

    Sérgio Amorim - 2016-10-29

    Thx Janusz. I reinstall the app and the option appear. But.... it is by far faster to disable that option. I tried it in two different computers, a laptop and pc with a godd video card, and in both you could see the rendering happening if the direct2d was on, but it was very fluent if it was of. Isn't the option inverted?
    By the way, setting that option only takes effect after restarting the app, so I suggest adding that to the help message.


  • Janusz Szpilewski

    Personally I only saw problems with an older laptop Nvidia card. All Radeon cards I saw, even a D2 virtual machine without GPU in the Microsoft Cloud worked fine so generally I believe it is ok to try this feature before eventually disabling it. It is enough to re-open the diagram to see the effect after changing the configuration.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-03-17

    Disabling Direct2D helped! Drawing is dramatically faster in my virtual machine! there is no lag for bigger models where it was unuable before.



    Last edit: Anonymous 2017-03-17
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-03-20

    Hi! When Direct2D is enabled the drawing performance is reduced.

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    Performance of Direct2D depends on the state of the support on the current system. Definetely running the program in a locally hosted virtual machine will result in limited access to the graphics resources and slower drawing. On the other hand I saw no problem with using Direct2D on Windows 10 VMs in Microsoft Azure.



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