
10,000 downloads a week for StarUML 5.0?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-04-14

    Am I missing something? WhitestarUML has many bugs and issues fixed... StarUML does not...

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    StarUML seems to be eclipsing both its predecessor (few people heard about Plastic or Agora Plastic) and successor (this project) so indeed this is a case study for a marketing researcher. I am not one so I cannot say much. Obviously by now StarUML got some critical mass and could get it due to showing up in a right time when there was no serious competition with all usability and other features being offered for free. Nowadays a newcomer must face that many people are just happy with that what StarUML offers and do not feel pressed to search further.

  • Sebastian Dietrich

    It is just a matter of time that WhiteStarUML will get much more attention. 3 of the 5 wikipedia articles on StarUML already mention WhiteStarUML. At the end of 2014 it will for sure be at 10.000 downloads a month and will overtake StarUML in 2015/2016

  • Janusz Szpilewski

    Thanks for the support :) The current rate of downloads is rather constant since late 2013 and roughly on par with that of NClass or free Modelio so generally I think some stability is reached. On the other hand getting anywhere close to StarUML still seems unrealistic, just wrong time and one can even point the unconvincing manpower behind this project so there would be no chance to deal with such a level of pressure if more users started sending their comments and requests.



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