
WebVZ / News: Recent posts

Webvz 2.0 is released

I would like to announce the release of webvz version two with more security features, layout, backup and access control level for clients


Posted by Shuaib Zahda 2008-09-07

Webvz 1.5 is released

Dear All

I would like to announce the release of WebVZ 1.5. This new version has a login module where only administrators can use the system.

WebVZ is a ligh web based control panel (277.0 KB) only

The features of WebVZ are available on this link:

It is available for download from
Screenshots: read more

Posted by Shuaib Zahda 2008-04-09

WebVZ 1.2 is released

Download the new version of WebVZ 1.2
Now you can migrate the VPS and manage the configuration files

Posted by Shuaib Zahda 2008-03-05

WebVZ 1.0 is released

WebVZ is released and is available for download

Posted by Shuaib Zahda 2008-02-26