
Some questions regarding mic, docs and cvs

  • Johan

    Johan - 2008-03-01

    We have been looking at webhuddle and the possibility of using it for our school project. The basics of our project is to implement some sort of voip service on an already existing webpage. Any additional functionality is secondary but welcome if time permits. At the moment we are planning and checking things out and stumbled upon webhuddle which seems like a very good candidate.

    As for the questions:

    Firstly, is the implementation of the mic for only one speaker at a time set in stone or is it easily changeable?
    Secondly, we were wondering if there's some sort of clear documentation for the structure of webhuddle.
    Finally, we attempted to checkout the system through cvs using eclipse and then compile it. We ran into some problems; mainly the JAVA_HOME. This was on a windows system so we tried setting the environmental variable through My Computer->Properties but that didn't work. For some reason it didn't read that variable so we were wondering if there's some other way of setting the variable.


    • John McCaughey

      John McCaughey - 2008-03-01

      Thanks for the post! 

      The one-to-many audio is neither set in stone nor easily changeable :(  Two people speaking at the same time is one thing.  More than two people speaking at the same time is yet another, requiring mixing audio on the server.  I may try to add support for two speakers but probably not more than that.

      WebHuddle is more of a web conferencing app than a VOIP app: the audio is a side feature that frankly doesn't work especially well.  It is also server-oriented instead of peer-to-peer.  This means that all data travels client --> server --> client so the latency will usually be more than a peer to peer app.  On the other hand, this means you don't have any firewall issues.  Ao if voice-over-IP is all you are after, you might do better with another project.

      Regarding JAVA_HOME, here's some info on compiling from the command line in windows:

    • Johan

      Johan - 2008-03-02

      ok, thank you for your help


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