

  • thor918

    thor918 - 2007-10-09

    hi, I read somewhere that jmccaughey, plans to have a lot of API, so that we can make out own pages work with this online conferance tool.
    I'm just wondering in how this implamentation is going to work?
    as I seen other similar projects have urlapi, witch I don't like entirely.
    however this method can be fine if it's using the same authentication as the customized webpage.
    so my question is:
    What API method are planned?

    • thor918

      thor918 - 2007-10-09

      My favorite weblanguage are PHP ;)

    • John McCaughey

      John McCaughey - 2007-10-10

      There already is an api in place and yes it uses urls.  You can do things like creating a meeting and adding participants, it is documented here:\*checkout*/webhuddle/webhuddle/docs/README-API.txt?revision=1.3

      I plan to expand the API soon, adding more methods and making it more symmetrical, so your web application could use the WebHuddle conferencing engine without displaying WebHuddle web pages.  Please post any request for changes or additions to the API -- thanks!

      • thor918

        thor918 - 2007-10-10

        okey. I will check it out.
        if it's easy to bridge the authentication, I think this could be interesting. :D
        But I haven't read enough on the manual yet. so I'm going to have my mouth closed on the api part until then ;)

        And I posted a weblayout test under the patch tracker ;)
        not sure if it is good enough or anything. but it's just for the fun.


    • Charles Roth

      Charles Roth - 2007-10-14

      This is a great start, esp for those (like me) who want to integrate webhuddle into an existing application.

      From my POV, the next most useful thing would be an API call to create people.  (This can sort of be hacked already by using curl to pretend to be a user...)

      Alternately, if the MySQL schema is stable enough, perhaps hacking it by directly entering records into the database?  (Although this could easily run afoul of Pope's "A little learning is a dangerous thing"... <grin>)

      And the next most useful thing after *that* (being useful is *such* a slippery  slope...) would be a way to extract the chat text, to be saved for use by another application (i.e. not just replaying the huddle).

      • John McCaughey

        John McCaughey - 2007-10-15

        Does your app already have its own users?  If their credentials live in a database, you can have WebHuddle authenticate against that table.  In other words, for any api call you do, use the username/password for the user that already exists in your app.

        Would this work for you?

    • Charles Roth

      Charles Roth - 2007-10-15

      That sounds great!  Is there any kind of write-up for how to do that?

      I started looking at the 'customers' table in the MySQL-enabled webhuddle, with an eye towards inserting my own entries (crossing my fingers all the while), but your suggestion sounds much better.

    • Charles Roth

      Charles Roth - 2007-10-15

      Hmm.  I looked at the 'customers' table, but it wasn't immediately obvious how to generate the salt and passwordHash fields.

      I looked at hacking the create user forms, but they very cleverly (meaning securely[?]) encode some keys to validate the transaction.  So it would be hard to hack around that.

      I looked at the java code that examines, but that didn't get me very far, either.  Perhaps the goal would be to implement a custom version of findByExternalID()?  But I can't tell just what it should return in its Collection object...

    • Charles Roth

      Charles Roth - 2007-10-17

      In the absence of an API to create users (or authenticate the users against an external data source), and since my other approaches all seem doomed to failure, I may have to write a couple of javascripts that "pretend" to be a newly registering user.   Ugh.  But it would probably work...

      If John doesn't beat me to it with a better API <grin> I'll post whatever I come up with.

    • Charles Roth

      Charles Roth - 2007-10-18

      I'm having problems using the API to create a meeting.

      I have a site set up at, takes one directly to

      I created a meeting thusly:
      curl -k ""

      Which generated this output, suggesting that the meeting was created OK:

      (although I'm wondering about that localhost:8843 at the end... should it be the full server name instead?)

      According to the API doc, I should be able to join the meeting via this URL, entered into my browser address bar:

      But it generates a servlet exception.  The full screen capture can be seen at

      Thoughts?  This version of webhuddle was built approximately 1 week ago (call it 11 Oct 2007) directly from the CVS source.

      I also tried to join the meeting in the "normal" way, after seeing this failure message, but it tells me "No such meeting host or invalid password".

      John, you are welcome to go in and play directly, if you like.  Or I can open ssh access to the site if that would help.  (I'm not expecting unpaid problem resolution, just offering if it's possible that this is a bug and you want more/all data.)

    • Charles Roth

      Charles Roth - 2007-10-18

      Hmm, I see that this forum is trying to turn the URLs in my post into HTML.  Urgh.

      The original text is also available at

    • Charles Roth

      Charles Roth - 2007-12-03

      We have recently successfully integrated WebHuddle with our "eCampus" learning and collaboration platform.  I've written a set of java "wrapper" classes to extend WebHuddle's web-service-like APIs, and also made a few tiny extensions to the WebHuddle source code as well.

      Details about all of the above are available at

    • Charles Roth

      Charles Roth - 2007-12-03

      (Ack, silly URL interpreter -- try it w/o the final dot, e.g. )


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