
webhuddle vs other projects

  • thor918

    thor918 - 2007-10-06

    Hi there.
    I'm sure you all have been looking also at DimDim.
    It does have some edge to it, and looks great. however, I liked more how the client is loaded in webhuddle. dimdim on firefox would request a plugininstall. Not sure how IE would react. perhaps IE is not presented with an install plugin question.
    anyway, I think webhuddle has the potential to dust dimdim...

    As I said in another thread, it would be great for the presenter to have some sort of info on what is beeing presented to the users. perhaps a little preview window, big enough to get an idea of what is beeing transmitted.

    • thor918

      thor918 - 2007-10-06

      maby the developer of this project could use some of the ideas used in dimdim

    • thor918

      thor918 - 2007-10-06

      Hi there again. I have now posted a lengthy suggestion post in the tracker:
      remote control:

      other suggestions:
      * webhuddle needs eye-catching gui
      * unique features like remote control system (for helpware situation)
      * more administration tools in the admin panel:
        I would add the size of the files in the list of previous recordings.
      * Jaz up the admin panel gui with ajax
      * look at how dimdim does it's desktop sharing. it does it in a more user friendly way.
      * look at dimdims gui. theres a lot of ideas there that could be easily adopted to webhuddle. like webcamera, avantar pictures on all the participents..
      * Dimdim is also a opensourceproject, and one could borrow ideas from there
      * and as previous future request, a hands up poll function. that could almost work as the question poll. but when the moderator end the handsup. he/she will get a list of users that had their hands up. and when you right clik on someone in this list, you could have a menu with perhaps, "give mic", "give moderator right" or other features.
      * start using right click in gui. this could perhaps simplify how you make the gui work.

      that's all for now


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