
Web C Plus Plus (webcpp) / News: Recent posts

(g)WebcppUI 2.0.1 for Linux Released

This is not just a new version of Webcpp GtkGui, this is a complete rewrite and port of the WebcppUI tool for Windows. It is not only a GUI for webcpp, but also a GUI for MkScs2 - for creating webcpp colour schemes. Unlike previous versions of Gtk+ webcpp GUIs, this is developed in
python and libglade for rapid development.



Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2006-01-12

Webcpp 0.8.2 supports inline languages.

Webcpp has just been released, taking care of the FIXME and TODO list, and also adding a little extra something along the way.

Highlights of the changes (no pun intended):
Added highlighting support for inline Assembly in C++ code, and JavaScript embedded in HTML files. MMX and SSE registers were added to the Assembly keytypes, and colour schemes are now searched for on the default directory is none is given. SuperInclude and external stylesheet generation now follow directories properly, and the documentatoin has been updated.... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2003-05-09

Webcpp 0.8.1 released.

Webcpp 0.8.1 is out, with some new HTML coding improvements. The output now has a DOCTYPE tag, the stylesheet info is now in a namespace, and there is a new option that allows to make HTML snippets only.

Get it here:

View the ChangeLog here:

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2003-05-07

New Spanish translations available.

Fernando Munoz Ledesma has made new translations for all the newest versions of Webcpp, Webcpp for Win32, Webcpp WinGUI, and WinMkScs2. Source code is also included in these new packages.

Get them at the files page:

Thanks Fernando!

Everybody else, enjoy!!

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2003-02-20

New advanced syntax colour scheme engine in Webcpp 0.8.0

WINNIPEG, CANADA - February 6, 2003 - Jeffrey Bakker, a local open source computer programmer, today announced the release of WEBCPP 0.8.0. With support for over 30 programming, markup, scripting, and shading languages, plus support for a number of operating systems, Webcpp delivers quality HTML generation for documenting source code of many kinds.

Webcpp (Web C Plus Plus) 0.8.0 incorporates a redesigned syntax colour scheme engine and file format, SCS2, which allows for 11 syntax highlighting elements to highlight source code, and support for background image information. The new file format is now stored as XML data, therefore it is expandable, and paves a way for easy backwards-compatibility in future versions of the software. The SCS2 engine also remains compatible with original SCS files from previous versions of the Webcpp distribution. All old SCS files have already been ported to the new SCS2 format in the 0.8.0 distribution, and a few background tiles were added to demonstrate the capability of the new format.... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2003-02-08

Webcpp Review at Free Downloads Center.

Here's a link that I've come accross while studying some demographics for webcpp (yes, I like to know who uses my software).

The reviewer sounds pretty happy about it webcpp.

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2003-01-25

Webcpp may actually be popular someday.

Just recently, Webcpp has gone beyond the 30,000 downloads mark, and has close to 100,000 page hits, since it's launch on sourceforge back in June 2001. I'd like to thank you all again for being such a good target software audience. And don't forget to submit those bug reports, because I actually do get around to fixing them (mostly ;).

BTW: Webcpp 0.7.12 has been released tonight. And also for those who haven't heard, development has started on Webcpp 0.8.0, which includes many improvements in the colour scheme engine.... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2003-01-17

Webcpp and Webcpp for Win32 releases.

Today, Webcpp 0.7.11 and Webcpp for Win32 1.3.6 have been released.

Webcpp 0.7.11 features minor bugfixes and enhances functionality, while Webcpp for Win32 1.3.6 includes many of the improvements from Webcpp 0.7.10 and 0.7.11.

Here's the download page:

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2003-01-05

Webcpp 0.7.10 has finally arrived.

Today, Webcpp 0.7.10 has been released, focusing mostly on fixes and improvements of existing features.

There are fixes as well as improvements in ASP, SQL, and especially the Markup language support, which has been staggering since the major redesign of the webcpp 0.7.0 engine.

This is also the first webcpp release to take advantage of the new piping technique introduced in WinGUI 1.4.3 just recently. Webcpp WinGUI has also been updated to version 1.4.4 for the release.... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-12-20

Webcpp WinGUI increases Webcpp's performance.

The new Webcpp WinGUI, version 1.4.3, offers some minor interface and feature changes, yet has a major increase in performance.

For those who don't know what Webcpp WinGUI is, it's a Windows shell for the command line utility Webcpp, which converts source code into HTML.

Tests on the development machine show a performance hike by 200%, making the execution of webcpp 3 times faster. Tests were done on webcpp source code files. One example shows that it took 0.281 seconds, as opposed to 0.921 seconds, on 904 lines of C++ code. The processor used was a 933MHz PIII. Results may vary on other test files, and processors.... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-12-15

Webcpp for Win32 1.3.5 released.

It's been a while since an update for this program, with the exception of a new spanish translation. Version 1.3.5 has been synchronized with the engine of webcpp 0.7.9.

The many new changes can be viewed here:

You can download it now at:


Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-11-09

WinMkSCS is now also available in Spanish.

Thanks to the translation by Fernando Munoz Ledesma, WinMkSCS is now available in Spanish.

Get it here:

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-11-06

Webcpp for Win32 is now available in Spanish.

Thanks to the translation done by Fernando Muoz Ledesma <ledesmafernando at msn dot com>, webcpp for win32 is now available in Spanish.

Get it at the usual download page:

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-10-23

Webcpp 0.7.7 released.

Webcpp 0.7.7 adds support for two more languages: emf and javascript. It also includes a bugfix in batch operations with spaces in filenames.

Webcpp for Win32 v1.3.4 has also been released, featuring all the new languages since webcpp 0.7.3.

download webcpp and webcpp for win32 at:

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-09-26

Fixes in Webcpp 0.7.6.

Webcpp 0.7.6 fixes an "Invalid I/O Mode" error when forcing filetypes. Support for Power Builder 6 was added.

The windows version also includes a tiny update for Webcpp WinGUI, to version, which makes sure that the console launches to the webcpp directory, not the current working directory.

Webcpp GnoGUI 0.3.2 has also been released, introducing language support DOS Batch, VHDL, and autodetect.

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-09-05

Webcpp 0.7.5 released.

Webcpp 0.7.5 add file flags to pre-handle existing files, and a superinclude option that recursively processes include statements as it hyperlinks them.

Windows users will see two new surprises. Webcpp WinGUI has been revamped, and there's a new program that replaces mkscs 2.3...see it for yourself.

download webcpp at:

view the changes at: read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-09-03

Webcpp 0.7.3 released.

Version 0.7.3 adds language support for Haskell, Tcl, Nasa's CLIPS, and NVidia's Cg. It improves number highlighting accuracy, fixes highlighting in the last line of a multiline comment, and adds extended help to display all supported language extensions. The curses interface script is back, and has been improved.

A corresponding webcpp for win32 v1.3.3 has also been released, which includes the improvements of 0.7.3.... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-07-28

Webcpp reaches 20,000 downloads.

Webcpp has recently reached a recorded 20,000 downloads, following the releases of webcpp 0.7.2, webcpp for win32 1.3.2, and webcpp gnogui 0.3.0 last week.

This one-year-old project still has alot of future plans to improve design and implement new features. The new development has already been started as of 0.7.0, yet there are even newer development goals which are yet to be annouced once the implementation starts.... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-07-21

Webcpp 0.7.2 released.

Webcpp 0.7.2 fixes a rather nasty bug from 0.7.x that caused webcpp to hang on numbers that were inside multi-line quotes. Other minor fixes have also been made, including one that is specific to windows.

This version was tested on the emu10k1 Linux kernel driver directory, the Linux kernel video drivers directory, the root of /usr/include directory on freebsd, and on the xine-lib engine, demuxers, video_out directory using the command:... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-07-18

Webcpp rapid language additions.

There is a new page for adding languages to webcpp that generates source code based on the input of the survey-like form. Thanks to the new webcpp 0.7 design and this form, one can contribute a new language to webcpp without writing any code.

Try it here:

Webcpp's new website (revision 4) also has a cleaner design, updated sections, and has chameleon-like behaviour.... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-07-10

Webcpp 0.7.1 released.

Webcpp now supports highlighting for SQL, and has greatly improved support for HTML keywords. Some of the command line options were fixed, and the windows version has a new version of wingui.

Get it here:


Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-07-10

Webcpp for Win32 1.3.0 released.

Webcpp for Win32 v1.3.0 is based on the recently rewritten engine of webcpp 0.7.0.

This release adds support for six new languages, an option for line anchoring, and embedded stylesheets (if external css option is not used).

Webcpp for Win32 changes:

Webcpp changes:

Happy Birthday Canada!

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-07-01

Anniversary release of webcpp.

One year of improvement in the making of webcpp undoubtedly shows in this special release 0.7.0.

Webcpp now supports Ada95, Basic, Fortran, Modula2, Objective-C, and Pascal, support for C# has been improved. The string parsing has been perfected, and rewrote the comment parsing. The Many more changes (over 30) can be viewed here:

Internally, many design changes were made, including the whole class architecture, even the naming conventions. The theme, I/O, and language engines were rewritten, and now requires gcc3 to be built. Adding languages to webcpp is now as easy as filling out a survey that generates source code. Such as a survey can be found here:... read more

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-06-29

Executable installers for Windows available.

There are now executable Windows installers available for webcpp v0.6.8 and webcpp for win32 v1.2.3.

These are basically the same InstallShield routine, but you don't have to unzip to run he installer.

Go to the download page:

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-05-07

Public webcpp demonstration at PLUG meeting on Thursday.

Thursday, April 18, 2002 7pm
Winnipeg Centennial Library
251 Donald
2nd floor Auditorium

Webcpp will be demonstrated by Jeffrey Bakker, the webcpp developer, at the next PLUG (Prairie Linux Users Group) meeting this thursday. Everyone is welcome.

PLUG website:

Posted by Jeffrey Bakker 2002-04-14