
#73 Set LOCALE per user


Would it be possible to have the ability of select the
language for each user on the edit user page? It
would be very usefull in our company where we have
French and English speaking users.

Of course we would still need the general config
LOCALE definition to be used as the default value and
also for all screen used without any user already
logged (Login, Login error,...). As a more advanced
option, we can also take the browser locale using the

A possible implementation may be to specify a special
value for the LOCALE config definition (Ex.: BROWSER)
that tell WebCollab to use the browser locale instead
of a predetermined one. That would be the best option.

In summary, we would have the following combination:

1. Select the user locale in the user edit mode for
all page where the user is logged in (so we can
retrieve the value in the database)

2. For all other page where the user is not logged,
use either the specific LOCALE defined in the config
file or the browser locale .

I did not organised my thoughts so I hope I'm not to
confusing here.




  • Andrew Simpson

    Andrew Simpson - 2005-11-20
    • milestone: --> Next_Major_Release
    • assigned_to: nobody --> andrewsimpson
  • Andrew Simpson

    Andrew Simpson - 2005-11-20

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, this can be implemented now.

    Up to now the problem with implementing this has been
    because MySQL 3.23.x didn't support character sets (at all!).

    The problem was not so bad with, say, French and English, as
    both are ISO-8859-1, but Russian (KOI8-R) & English would be
    a problem.

    However, I have upgraded the CVS to MySQL 4.1+ over the last
    week, and can now implement this. The database backend is
    now UTF-8 and the client connects in 'whatever' character
    set. Conversion of character set to suit the client is done
    internally by MySQL.

    PostgreSQL does the same; though this functionality has been
    in PostgreSQL for much longer.

    BTW - you should have an email from me about translations.
    The message kept bouncing back from Sourceforge.

  • Andrew Simpson

    Andrew Simpson - 2006-01-06

    Logged In: YES

    Code is in CVS.

    I've only implemented this on the Unicode version of
    WebCollab. On the standard verision of WebCollab the mixing
    of character sets just made the need for many ugly hacks
    too awful to sustain.

    On the plus side, the Unicode and standard versions are now
    very closely integrated; that is, the differences between
    them are now slight.

  • Andrew Simpson

    Andrew Simpson - 2006-01-06
    • status: open --> closed

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