
Summary Page Sorting

  • Katydid

    Katydid - 2014-01-30

    hi Andrew,

    I found that there is an bug in the sorting of summary page(I think is a bug).

    When i click on sorting according to "Deadline","Status"...etc the "project name" will also sort together with the "task" and the highlight disappear.

    It will especially create problem when there are several project run in the same time.
    Is it possible to modified sorting result return according to project?


    Last edit: Katydid 2014-01-30
  • Andrew Simpson

    Andrew Simpson - 2014-02-04

    I guess you could call it a feature and not a bug!

    The longer answer is this: The task summary was a contribution (some time ago) and there is a attribution to this in the file. The original writer wrote the code this way - I don't know why.

    I have cleaned up and optimised the code a few times to keep up with changes in the codebase, but I have never felt the need to change it.


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