
Project and tasks status.

  • Katydid

    Katydid - 2014-02-03

    I found that after few try of changing the Project status, the tasks status of the project will not be changed together with the parent (project).

    I also run few testing in the demo page, and the result is the same.


    Last edit: Katydid 2014-02-03
  • Andrew Simpson

    Andrew Simpson - 2014-02-04

    It's a bit of a compromise between keeping the application flexible (and therefore having wider acceptance) versus making the application more rigidly defined. I tend to favour the more flexible path.

    Exceptions are:

    1. If the project is set to 'on hold' or 'inactive', then all the tasks are set to the same.

    2. If a project that was 'on hold' or 'inactive' becomes active then the tasks are also set to 'new'.

    Having said that, and looking at the code, I think 2. is not working due to a coding error :-( I'll have a look and fix that!

    Edit: No, not a coding error. I just can't read...


    Last edit: Andrew Simpson 2014-02-04

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