
WebCockpit / News: Recent posts

webcockpit ( 1.5.1 ) released

Functionally identical to 1.5.0 - however the examples have been migrated to MySQL from Oracle.

Posted by Peter Jonathan Klauser 2006-03-16

webcockpit ( 1.5.0 ) released

Webcockpit is a Web Application generator for realtime charting and monitoring solutions. This minor release improves greatly the tabulation power by using displaytag JSP taglib for runtime HTML table generation. Features include sorting, or grouping by column, pagination, data export to csv, excel and xml formats and having full control of the tables CSS style markup. Improvements to charts include the possibility of defining the orientation of the label for the category axis. The embedded charting library jfreechart ( v1.0.0 ) and cewolf ( v0.11.0 ) have been upgraded to the latest versions.... read more

Posted by Peter Jonathan Klauser 2005-09-29

webcockpit ( 1.4.0 ) released

Webcockpit is a Web Application generator for realtime charting and monitoring solutions. This minor release upgrade has enabled Webcockpit to be put into productive use in a large corporation to provide transparency into business process states. The changes include upgrading to the latest versions of the embedded charting software "JFreeChart". The charts look more professional than previous versions. Customizing of the WebApplication's configuration file allows for user authentification and access control. There is a new demo to illustrate the security feature.

Posted by Peter Jonathan Klauser 2005-06-23

webcockpit ( 1.3.0 ) released

A major enhancement has been made to webcockpit to allow for creating charts with customized 'look & feels'. All aspects of chart coloring, fonts and line styles have been made easily customizable. This is a significant improvement to standard Cewolf chart images. See the look & feel example at Gridlines can be switched on or off for xy charts.
Furthermore HTML tables can be configured to have alternating styles for odd and even rows for easier readability.

Posted by Peter Jonathan Klauser 2004-11-02

webcockpit 1.2.1 released

This is a minor bug fix release. The chart types: signal, wind, gantt and highlow charts are now supported. Refer to the simple example documentation to see one example of each chart type.

Posted by Peter Jonathan Klauser 2004-09-26

webcockpit ( 1.2.0 ) released

The main feature is the possibility to 'hide' table columns from being displayed in the HTML table representation. The hidden columns can be used in binding of visible columns. Several bug fixes include
the cleanup of JSTL sql constructs and preservation of linefeeds in templates in output JSP. Added xy charts page to simple example - chart types ( xy, areaxy, scatter )

Posted by Peter Jonathan Klauser 2004-08-30

webcockpit ( 1.1.0 ) released

Webcockpit is a web application generator for reporting and monitoring applications. It generates complete JSP based web applications which contain charts and tables, who's contents are retrieved using database queries. The charts and tables can be configured to link to each other, enabling master-detail like drill-down. You can provide your own HTML or JSP template files which are mixed with the generated JSP to provide a final web application.... read more

Posted by Peter Jonathan Klauser 2004-08-16

webcockpit ( 1.0.0 ) released

Webcockpit is a web application generator for reporting and monitoring applications. It generates complete JSP based web applications which contain charts and tables, who's contents are retrieved using database queries. The charts and tables can be configured to link to each other, enabling master-detail like drill-down. You can provide your own HTML or JSP template files which are mixed with the generated JSP to provide a final web application.... read more

Posted by Peter Jonathan Klauser 2004-08-10