
#555 Allow non-user calendars automatic approval

Nigel Allen

In many organisations there is a requirement for room or equipment bookings to be made via WebCalendar.

Currently, each non-user calendar has to have an administrator assigned that will allow or disallow a booking for that object. If the administrator of the object is not at their desks or is abesnt for a period of time, bookings can not be completed.

Suggested solution:
Allow non-user calendars (or any other user for that matter) an option to have an auto-approval facility so that equipment or rooms can be booked on a "first-come, first-served" basis (or via an admiistrator as current). This could be established by moving the field require_approvals from the webcal_config value to the webcal_user_pref table and checking there on an booking by booking basis.

Great System btw - thanks.



  • Nigel Allen

    Nigel Allen - 2008-04-28

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Eight months on from the original request.

    This is /not/ a duplicate. The OP was referring to "Public" calendars. My request is for optional automatic approval regardless of calendar type.

    This should be extended to all users - not just non-user calendars. Rather than a blanket "no-one needs approval" we should have an optional "I require approval" based on each individual user.

    Once you have a lot of equipment and/or rooms, trying to administer the item's requests quickly becomes a nightmare.



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