
#376 Usermin does not automatically mark read messages

Read Mail (122)

Server: CentOS Linux 5.3
Usermin: Usermin For Webmail 1.400
Client: Windows XP, Firefox 3.0.10

Usermin does not automatically mark read messages. Changing the "Automatically mark read messages?" setting has no effect.


  • Sergiy Kolokolkin

    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Sergiy Kolokolkin

    Mail folder type: external mail file

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2009-05-27

    Odd, this works fine for me. Do you have Usermin configured to read mail via IMAP, or is it directly accessing an mbox or Maildir-format inbox?

  • Sergiy Kolokolkin

    It reads from a file:
    Mail folder type: external mail file

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2009-05-28

    I just tested this (on FreeBSD as well), and it works fine for me.
    Do the messages in this mbox file have value Message-ID headers?

  • Sergiy Kolokolkin

    Yes, they have ids. Could you possibly log on into my usermin and look at it? Maybe you will see what's wrong? I will send you a private message with the login and password.

  • Sergiy Kolokolkin

    This bug happens when the Webmin setting "Usermin Configuration > Authentication > Enable session authentication" is not selected. It is not selected by default.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2009-05-29

    Ok, I see how this can happen now .. running Useermin in session mode changes which DBM format is used by default. I will fix this in the next release.

  • Jamie Cameron

    Jamie Cameron - 2009-05-29
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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