
Cant' disable TLSv1.0 in webmin 1.870 on HPUX 11.31

Raul Diaz
  • Raul Diaz

    Raul Diaz - 2017-12-29

    Hello everyone.
    I'm new here though I've read a lot over the past months this site.
    I have a problem disabling TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 in webmin 1.870.
    I have installed this version on a HPUX 11.31, but also a lower version was installed earlier this year. On both cases I couldn't disable those protocols.
    On other machines with OS RHEL7 there is no problem disabling this feature.
    The reason why I am disabling TLS is PCI scans pointed out that this protocol should be disable.
    Hope anyone can give me lights to search for the problem and the solution to this issue.
    Thanks in advance.


  • Adrian Koszorus

    Adrian Koszorus - 2018-01-15

    I am a user of Webmin on HP UX 11.31 on Itanium machines (HP-UX B.11.31 U ia64)
    I can disable TLSv1.0 and 1.1 via Webmin Configuration - SSL Encription - SSL protocol versions to reject... then select TLS versions to disable ...
    But I have encountered another issue: on my machines I can't make Webmin use TLS v1.2.
    Can you?

  • Raul Diaz

    Raul Diaz - 2018-01-18

    Hello Adrian, can you tell me the settings of your miniserv.conf file?
    I have done exactly like you did but with no results.
    Since I can't disable TLSv1, webmin uses this protocol to connect not TLSv1.2 as it should.
    Also my HPUX is a VPAR does that make any difference?


  • Adrian Koszorus

    Adrian Koszorus - 2018-01-22

    Hello Raul,
    from miniserv.conf:

    You should have no_tls1=1 also.
    When I use no_tls1=1 and no_tls1_1=1 (wich disables TLSv1.1), I can't reach Webmin server anymore (it does not work for me with TLSv1.2 :-( )

  • Raul Diaz

    Raul Diaz - 2018-02-15

    That's exactly my problem, whenever I disable (no_tls1_1=1) I can't reach webmin, and I have the latest openssl and latest perl installed. I'm checking with 3rd party the settings to see if I can solve it.

  • Adrian Koszorus

    Adrian Koszorus - 2018-03-07

    Can you use TLS1_1? I can't... I must be able to use TLS1_2, but even TLS1_1 would be beter than TLS1 ...

  • Adrian Koszorus

    Adrian Koszorus - 2018-03-16

    in my case installing a newer version of Net::SSLeay was the solution.
    Webmin uses now TLSv1.2.

  • Kay

    Kay - 2018-03-18

    yes older versions of ssleay does not support tlsv2 and thus also not disabling old versions

  • Raul Diaz

    Raul Diaz - 2018-03-29

    Hello, do you know where can I donwload the latest versión of Net::SSLeay for HPUX 11.31?

  • Raul Diaz

    Raul Diaz - 2018-03-29

    Thanks to all for the help, the newer version of perl 5.8.8.O was the solution, now I can disable TLS1 and TLS1.1.
    The depot was at HPE Software download page.


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