
Logfile shows as source ip

  • Sebastian Hoffmann

    Hello everybody!

    Yesterday I set up Webmin on 4 of our servers running Suse 10.1 and Ubuntu 7.1. The logfile for Webmin, the miniserv.log, shows as source of logins the ip in most cases. Only a few connections are logged with the correct source IP. All connections are made from the local lan.
    Any ideas how to setup webmin or a module, or even perl in order to log the correct source of the login-attempts?

    Regards, Sebastian

    • gandolf

      gandolf - 2008-03-08

      are you saying the login ip is incorrect?

      • Sebastian Hoffmann

        Yes. It should be an IP like or but not Such an IP isn't in use in our network.

    • Sebastian Hoffmann

      Ah I just found the "error": The server running usermin is also running squid in order to enable internet access to everyone on the network.
      When I'm now connectiong with Firefox or IE to a local server, then I have to insert the address of that server in the browser settings for not using a proxy server for that server. The problem is, that it would take to long to go to every pc and insert the serveraddress in the local browser settings. A shorter way, that I used, was to put at the end of the link to the usermin interface the domainname of the server running usermin: Without proxy server the address would be http://gw:20000 but now with activatet proxy it must be http://gw.pallas:20000 and when the clients connect to the server with the domain name of the usermin server then the logfile produces this incorrect source ip.

      I hope you understood what I was trying to say ;-) School english was a few years ago...

      • Sebastian Hoffmann

        Once again, I now found the only one working way. I have to say in firefox, that it should use the server "gw" as proxy, but in the exceptions for not using a proxy, I have also to enter the "gw" server. And then connect directly to http://gw:20000 without appending the domainname. But this way would force me to insert at every client the server "gw" in the exceptions for the proxy. Not very optimal with 80 clients :(
        Any ideas?

    • gandolf

      gandolf - 2008-03-11

      so what is your network ip range? more than 1 network?
      switch, gateway/router, neither, both? how many servers? have a domain name? have a permanent IP for a WAN? running dns?


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