
custom command Type menu syntax

  • TopCat

    TopCat - 2010-09-10


    I'm new with Webmin and I want do create a custom command.
    I want to use the type menu, but I don't know how to fill the menulist. I tried some syntax but the menu stays empty.

    I think its easy to solve.


  • TopCat

    TopCat - 2010-09-11

    No idea?

    Maybe someone did't a command with am menu parameter before and can tell me how it works.

  • dimaj

    dimaj - 2013-01-04

    I know this is an old topic, but I figured I'll add a solution to it for others who have the same problem

    To use the "Menu…" type, you need to do the following:
    1) create a file on your filesystem that will contain all your menu choices (i.e. /root/myChoices)

    actual choice value, what user will see

    2) In the custom command, value of the "Menu…" parameter should point to the file you've created in step 1.

    Hope this help.


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