
Question / Will Webmin Benefit Me? ~

  • kiwizz

    kiwizz - 2008-02-28

    I currently have apache/mysql/etc installed on my debian server. It is currently unused (as I am running my sites on a windows box, but want to move them over). I have two websites, and my girlfriend another (all fqdn). I know that one of my websites is running properly (changed dns etc to check)

    I have a couple questions.

    1. Although I am happy to reinstall Debian, will my current setup conflict if I install Webmin?

    2. If I do reinstall, should I have nothing but the core system components installed?

    3. Should I use Virtualmin *I really need to know - will it make it easier to seperate the domains I am running?

    4. Will it be easier than setting it up myself? I plan on having DNS MAIL HTTP HTTPS and possibly a few other services running.

    Webmin looks great, but as I am not the best with linux, everytime I am not sure that something has installed right - I usually do a full reinstall to be sure. Im used to being able to *see* problems on the windows servers, and I feel like I cant fully know if a linux box is running as it should.

    If you have, Thanks for taking the time to read the above. Hopefully with a few reply's I will be in a better situation as to if i should install Webmin/Virtualmin


    • gandolf

      gandolf - 2008-02-29

      dump windows. stick with linux; debian, ubuntu, fedora, centos, and stick with webmin. use virtualmin if you want easier.

      • Frank Laczko Jr.

        ahhh don't forget FreeBSD in that list if you want a "real" operating system :)


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