Matthieu - 2017-12-07


I'm running Webmin 1.860 on a Debian 9, and for testing purpose i have installed php5.6 and php5.6-fpm.
But since I have purged it, the services are still available on the webmin interface...(see picture in link below)

Services from webmin

But if I look on systemd side two of the 3 services listed above doesn't exist...(see picture in link below)

php5.6-fpm >> doesn't exist anymore
php7.0-fpm >> doesn't exist >> This one is running well

Services from Systemds

And Webmin trigger an error if I try to delete those services, because the don't point to any existing files.
Error message is Failed to save action : Missing or invalid action name

The impact is quite heavy because, when I add a new Virtualhost on Virtualmin, php-fpm don't get rebooted(even if it doesn't through any error) and I have to restart manually each time I'm creating a new Virtualhost.

From here my question is, is there any way to have Webmin refreshing the Services to retrieve the exact service list running ?
If not what would be the best way to clean up those "non-existing" service from Webmin ?

Thanks in Advance for any input



Last edit: Matthieu 2017-12-07